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Chapter Dedicated To Our Bitch - sidneet_life Happy birthday Chutiya..Khush reeeeehhhhh humeshaaa...we lovee you❤️

Sonia Aunty's Pov
"We were having our dinner Quietly on the dining Table..but but but..How Can Our house be peaceful if My dear Husband And Son are Sitting Together ! As usual They Fought With each other..and i Succeeded in Bringing Aman Inside..But for how long is This gonna last ?? can't we have a normal life again ?? Can't i get my daughter back here with me ?? can't his Father give her a little Freedom ?? can't We be A happy jolly family Again ?? God.. please help me..idk how but please do so🤕 "
End of Pov

Avneet's Pov

Siddharth Said that he'll come back in a few hours ..and its already 11 PM so what should i do now ?? i was thinking while The servant Spoke Up !!

Servant : Mam, I'll just show u ur room..U can Sleep their also tell me if u need something.. I'll definitely help u out..!! let's go ??
Avneet : Sure..Thank you
Servant : No problem Come..

And then she guided me towards the room..and i must say it was a really nice his Whole house is seriously very nice..But I'm still scared.. of Him !! I can't speak properly Infront of anyone..idk why does it happen..i was a quite Confident Personality..and I just try to be brave..but i just can't..idk why..but I can't..Okay leave this.. let's Sleep now..!!

End of Pov

Avneet Laid down on the bed and soon Sleep Took over her..!!

Siddharth's Pov
Okay so yeaaa I finished My Work and its Like 2 am which is quite Normal for me as work Daily till This time or even more than this !! Now I'm leading towards home..I need to check on Avneet as well..And i need to talk to the doctor as well..for Checking her up once again..cause whenever she talks to me she gets nervous..okay well that's quite normal..but after what happened today at dinner time.. I don't think so she's All fit and fine.. I'll just Take her to that same doctor tommorow.!!

I reached Home..Changed into comfy Clothes..And Walked Towards Her room..when i heard some Strage Voices..and i knew who it was.......


Okay sorry let's Continue 😂😂

It was Avneet ..i peeped Into the room..only to see her shouting and screaming..she was sweating and i could say she was hellll scaredd..!! OMG !! What happened now ??
I went towards her and she was sleeping..I guess she had a nightmare or something !! okay i need to consult a doctor for sure now ! But I think i should wake her up first...

I was About to wake her when she shouted...

Avneet ( While still sleeping) : Iiiiiiii aammmmmmm Sorryyy..doooonnnnn'tttt  Hitttt meeee pleaaasseeeee !! Nooooooooo..

What ?? is she still scared of me or something ??

But before i could wake her up !!
she suddenly  woke up with a thud and panicked !!

avneet : Nooo..this can't happen...Noo I can't let this happen....

(Okay she hasn't noticed me yet..)

i kept my hand on her Shoulder and engulfed her into a warm hug..!!

Siddharth : What happened ?? A Bad dream ??
Avneet : Y-AA i mean A type of
Siddharth : What was it ??
Avneet : He was beating me..she said in a hurry
Siddharth : Who the hell dared to ??
Avneet : one...I told na it was a bad dream not reality..
Siddharth : Yaa ik that but still whi beated you avu ??
Avneet : Vohhh..vohhh.. I don't remember his Face..

(I know she's lying their is something behind it..for sure.. I'll find it out...)

Siddharth : Okay..But we are going to The doctor again for checkup Tommorow..
Avneet : What ?? Why ?? He discharged me right ??
Siddharth : Yaa he did but that does mean u are totally fine
Avneet : But what's wrong with me ??
Siddharth : How will i know that.. Doctor will tell Us..
Avneet : But
Siddharth : No ifs And Buts we will go and that's final !! clear ??
Avneet : Okay *she said sighing* No one can win an argument from you isn't it ??
Siddharth : Haha True

She laughed on this thing and i joined her..she looks so cute while laughing

We were Talking when the time Clicked my mind..Omg Its 3:30 PM..

siddharth : Avneet, its too late now.. please sleep..and I'm Also Going..
Avneet : Ab siddharth.....Can i ask u something ?? please ??
She Looked nervous...

What Do U think Avneet wants to say To Siddharth ??
Who was beating avneet in her dream ??
What problem Does she have ??
When Will The Nadra family live happily ??
Stay Tuned To know !!❤️
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Loadss Of Loveeeee
Hanika ( Haniyaah + Bhumika ) ❤️🌠

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