Thank You Maddo 💕🌍

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The above Interview 🥺❤️

Siddharth's Pov
I sat there And started Thinking How Was she there ?? what if i wouldn't have reached on time ?? What actually happened to her ?? Was it a mere accident or something serious ?? Why was she walking Alone on the Lonely road ?? Questions Raised In my mind..But the thing i was concerned of was her.. I don't know why but i feel an Unknown Attachment with her !! Why is that so ?? I shrugged My thoughts off While the doctor came towards me !!

I quickly stood up..and asked him

Siddharth : Doctor.. how's she ?? is she fine ?? What happened to her ?? Doctor.....And he cut me off

Doctor :  Quite..Mr..listen to me once..She Has severe weakness..due to the lack of food..!! And according to our tests From more years she is not receiving Any kind of protein or Vitamin !! Also she has some bruises all over her body..!! And according to our psycatatist, she has been suffering from short span depression lately..!! Like do u know anything about these things ??

Siddharth : !!

Doctor : its okay.. we just need someone's signature to start her proper treatment for weakness as of now !! So what's ur relation to her ??
Siddharth : I'm her close friend !! can i sign ??

Doctor just nodded  And brought the papers !! i signed them !!
As soon as the doctor left I started Processing the whole thing into my mind !! Like a single Person was going through so much ?? Thank God i reached their..what would've happened to her🤧
After A few hours The doctor Came out !!

Doctor : She is fine now..i have prescribed some medicines !! kindly tell her family to take her !! she'll be discharged Tommorow Morning !
Siddharth Nodded

Wait ! I didn't even thought about this !! Where will i take her ?? To my home probably..but she's noone to me..what will mom say if she comes over ?? Will That girl Come with me ?? where's her family ?? I think i should ask the doctor And meet her first and then I'll ask her !

I asked for the doctor's permission which he Granted And went to meet her ! I entered insideAnd saw An angel lying on the Bed ! I went their and she slowly Opened her eyes !! I could tell by her reaction That she was scared from me !! I started speaking !!

Siddharth : Hey.. I'm Siddharth.. actually I found u unconscious on the road so i took u here ! May i know ur name ??

Avneet : Av-ne-et Ka-ur !

Why is she stammering ??

Siddharth : Hey Avneet Relax.. I'm not gonna do anything to you ! You're safe with me !! But would u mind Letting me know about u ??
I could see her relaxing a bit !

Avneet : Wh-at -do- u wan-na kn-ow ??

Siddharth : Okay to start off with..tell me why were u Roaming about on that lonely road ??

Avneet : Well.. tha-t's a lo-ng st-ory..but ye-ah i -can -tell u that I was just run-ning from A hell !!

WTF ?? Hell ??

Siddharth : Hell ?? From where were u running ??

Avneet : ..fro-m my ho-me urf hell🤧

Siddharth : I'm not able to get What ?? Ur home is hell ?? How ??

Avneet : Sorry I can't tell u that..i-i me-an its a lo-ng sto-ry and ver-y pers-onal 😓☠️

Siddharth : Oh.. that's okay..!! But may i know how did u fell unconscious ??

Avneet : May-be cau-se I didn't eat my break-fast And lun-ch and then i was walk-ing since M-ore th-an 5-6 Hours🤧

What ?? Walking ?? Why ?? to run Away ??

Siddharth : Okay..And what about The bruises that doctor told u have ??
She remained silent And then i saw her getting unconformable so i spoke

Siddharth : Its okay..if u don't wanna tell..but can u please give me Ur home address so that i can contact any of ur family members ??


I could see sweat rising on her forehead..she was tensed like hell !! Like why would someone from her own family harm her ??

I quickly Engulfed her into A hug but she is so scared and crying badly I felt pangs in my heart to seeing her in this state

Siddharth : Shh..quite don't cry Dude..!! I'm with you Always pakkaa..!! And don't worry  if u don't want we aren't gonna contact Ur family !! But would u stay with me then ??
Avneet : M-M-E-E ?? Wh-y will u ke-ep me in ur hou-se ?? I- don't wa-nt too bur-den on you !

Siddharth : Come'on Ur my friend Now.. aren't u ??
She Hesitated but nodded !
Siddharth : So isn't it my duty to help my friend ?? U are coming with me okay ??
Avneet : O-K-A-Y
I smiled

I was about to Get up when she held my hand tight and squeeze it
I was Pretty Shocked..I composed my self when she start saying !!
Avneet : Thank You MADDO 💕🌍 ( A/N The magical word - Maddo🥺)  Tha-nks for help-ing Me !! Than-ks for Sav-ing me !! Tha-nks for every-thing ❤️✨
She said Leaving me Shocked !! Okay this was Unexpected !!

Siddharth : Aww🥺❤️ Its finee..U are my friend right ?? So no thank sorry..!! And ya called me maddo you are my friend please don't scared of me I will not hurt you I will not harm you Get that ??
She hesitatly nodded

Siddharth : Okay then.. I'll get Ur Discharge Papers !! And we'll leave for home !! Okay ??
Avneet : But wh-at abo-ut ur Fam-ily ??
Siddharth : Oh.. don't worry..i live alone..and About My Family I'll Mom About U !! She won't say anything.. nothing to worry 😄

Avneet : Oka-y Mad-do !! But what's ur na-me ?? U did-n't tell me th-at ??
Siddharth : Siddharth , Siddharth Nigam..Naam toh suna hoga😉
She little laughed And replied : Nhi suna😂
I smiled at her Unknowingly And got Outside of the Room !!


What will Siddharth tell To Vibha Aunty ??
Will Avneet tell her past to sid ??
What will happen when he takes her home??
Stay tuned To know💙

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