Chapter 2

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Before I could open my eyes, I felt the skin on my wrists and ankles sting. My head was pounding as if I had headbutted a brick wall. I groaned and pried my eyes open. I tried to figure out where I was and what had happened, but my brain was fuzzy. I was sitting on a chair in a dark room. I didn't see a door, so it must be directly behind me. The room was dimly lit by a lamp hanging from the ceiling.

As I started to get used to my surroundings, my head cleared up and I remembered what happened yesterday. Some people had come for the stuff I stole. Damn it. This is just my luck, stealing from some nutjob, or in this case probably some nutjobs daughter. I need to get the fuck out of here. If they took the time to find me and bring me all the way here, they are likely going to do more than just kill me.

After a few more minutes, I heard the door open and people walking in. They were standing right in front of me now. I held my head up and looked at them. I recognised the people in front of me immediately. It was one of the three guys who had come to find me. His clone wasn't there though. The other person was the girl whose purse I stole. The guy was scowling, just like yesterday, but the girl was smirking at me.

"I'm glad they were able to find you. I'm guessing you don't know who we are, since you had the guts to steal from me", she said. She was grinning now.

"Look, let's just get to the point. I'm guessing you didn't bring me here just to have a nice little chat. I'm sorry I stole your stuff. I'll return it to you and then we can both go our separate ways", I said with a blank face, trying to reason with them.

The girl's grin disappeared and the guy from yesterday took a step towards the chair I was sitting in.

"Give it back? You think that's enough? You stole from Toga, I can't just forgive that!" He said. His face was twisted in anger.

The girl, I guess her name is Toga, stepped beside him and patted his back. "It's okay. I like her, other people would be pissing their pants by now". Her grin was back now.

The guy next to her calmed down and said: "Well, to be fair, I don't think she has a clue who we are".

"Right! We forgot to introduce ourselves. How rude of us. I'm Toga and this is Bubaigawara, but we call him Twice. You might have seen us on the news, we're pretty popular". She said proudly.

I looked at her confused. What is she even talking about? Not to mention that I'm their prisoner.

Twice seemed to be thinking the same and said: "Toga, I thought you wanted us to kidnap her to, you know, hurt her. Not befriend her".

Toga pouted and crossed her arms. "I know, that was the original plan, but it sucks being the only girl in the League. I wanna talk about girly stuff too, but you and Mr. Compress are always busy. Dabi and Shigaraki only care about video games and making people cry. Plus, I like her. Can't I keep her? Please", she was looking at him with puppy eyes. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy, he looked totally defeated.

Wait a second. Did she just say 'The League'? 'Shigaraki'? I know that name. Is she talking about the leader of the League of Villains? Don't tell me.

Twice looked away feeling conflicted. He rubbed his eyes. "I'll have to ask Shigaraki, alright? We can't just let her join. She probably doesn't even want to".

"Ugh, fine. Then let's go ask him". She looked back at me and said: "We'll be right back, okay? I'm going to convince the bossman. You'll be able to stay with us forever! Let's go Twice". She grabbed his arm and basically pulled him out of the room.

Now that I was alone I had time to let everything sink in. This can't be a coincidence. Talking about 'the League', 'Shigaraki', I'm pretty sure I've heard the name Dabi before too. A lot of the people I met on the streets talked about them. They were infamous. What if these people are really part of the League of Villains, the most dangerous villains in the country who even posed a threat to the number one hero. If the girl I stole from is one of them, I'm screwed. I was fucked before, but now I'm practically dead already. I need to get out of these ropes.

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