Chapter 3

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Shigaraki stayed quiet and looked at Dabi with a face that said: 'Don't you dare'.

It was clear he didn't want to go so I intervened. "It's fine, I don't have much there anyways".

"C'mon boss, you're already going out for food. What's the problem with adding one stop to the list?" Dabi said and looked at Shigaraki with a challenging look.

Shigaraki sighed and scratched his neck. "Fine, but we're only getting the stuff from your place. We'll get some things for your room another time. Also, make sure you stay close, I can't be bothered to go look for you if you get lost".

"Hey! Don't be a meanie to my friend!" Toga shouted at him from the couch.

It didn't really bother me. He seemed like someone who didn't talk much and when he did talk, he said exactly what was on his mind. He didn't sugarcoat anything. I appreciate that, even though it might come across as rude to others, I prefer someone who's blunt over someone who hides their real thoughts.

Shigaraki turned around and started to head out of the room. He looked back at me and said: "Let's go".

He was already gone before I could answer and I quickly ran after him. I walked behind him through the hallways without saying a single word. We went to the bar and Shigaraki took a long black coat off of the hanger and put on a black mask. He turned to me and finally spoke.

"Here, wear this". He handed me a mask identical to his.

"Why? Aren't we just going to pick some stuff up and get food from the store?"

"If you're going to join us on missions, it's better if you stay anonymous. Now move".

He put on the hood of his jacket and walked out of the door. I followed closely behind him after putting on the mask. When I was outside, the light stung my eyes. The building didn't have much natural light, except for a few small, barred windows. I took a deep breath, enjoying the fresh air and looked back at the building. It looked like a normal warehouse. Who would ever be able to guess that it's the home of the most dangerous villains in the country.

I returned to the task at hand, getting to my 'home' and turned to find Shigaraki. He was waiting for me at the gate of the fence that surrounded the building. He looked at me with a blank face.

"I thought I told you to keep up. Stop looking around and follow me".

"Sorry", I said while he set out again. I was walking behind him like before and said: "Thanks for not leaving without me, I won't get distracted anymore".

He didn't say anything but I saw his hands ball up into fists and relax again. His hand went up to scratch his neck while he kept up a fast pace. The others had probably told him where they had found me, since he was taking the lead. It was hard to keep up with him. He was nearly jogging at this point.

We walked in silence for a while until I started to recognise the buildings. We were almost there. There were quite a few people out and about by now, since it was already evening. They were all sketchy looking and even though I had lived here for a while, they still gave me the creeps. Their eyes seemed to follow me down the sidewalk. I kept my guard up, keeping my eyes on my surroundings. I was on edge and got even more anxious when a guy approached me. He was standing with a group of people who looked like they kicked babies for fun

I quickly ran up to Shigaraki who was walking a few meters in front of me. I carefully looked around and tried to stay close to him. He saw that I had suddenly caught up to him. He looked at me like he was about to say something when he noticed my distressed state and looked behind us at the guy who was trying to get to me.

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