Chapter 5

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Dabi drove us to the back entrance of the base. It was easier to get all the furniture through there, since there was a bigger door than the one in the bar. Me, Dabi and Toga hauled the biggest box to my room. Twice and Mr. Compress heard that we were back and they helped with the rest of the stuff.

They took it upon themselves to carry the heaviest boxes inside, while me and Toga took the lighter ones. Normally, I'd deny an offer like this. I'm not a baby, I can do shit myself. However those boxes were really heavy and your arms were still sore from putting them in the car, so I let them have their way.

Finally we brought the last box inside and placed it in front of the room. We took a moment to catch our breath from running up and down the halls with boxes in our hands.

"You guys really didn't hold back, did you?" Mr. Compress said jokingly.

"It just looks like a lot because it's still in boxes. This is nothing compared to the amount of stuff in my room", Toga said.

That definitely wasn't a joke. Toga's room was filled to the brim with decoration and furniture, but that's what made it so cozy even though the room is just a stone square. She also had a lot of time to add stuff.

"Well, enjoy unboxing. I have something to do. See you later", Mr. Compress said as he walked to the door.

We watched him walk down the hallway and disappear behind a corner. He probably had a mission or something. The sound of someone's stomach growling caught everyone's attention.

"Can we eat now? I'm fucking hungry after all that", Dabi grumbled.

"Do we need to go to the store then? We only brought enough noodles for one day", I said.

"Nah, me and Twice already got a new stock of food after our mission. Now miss Toga can have her nice meal", he smirked at Toga while saying that last part.

She glared at him and said: "Can you blame me for wanting a home cooked meal once in a while? Everything you guys usually bring home is fast food or something you just need to heat up".

Toga and Dabi started bickering again. Twice sighed and put his hands on Toga's shoulders.

"C'mon Toga, let's go cook something", he said as he guided her to the kitchen.

Dabi huffed.

"What, you don't like home cooked meals?" I asked.

"Home cooked meals are nice and all, but they take too long to prepare. When I'm hungry, I just want to eat. I don't want to spend over an hour preparing a meal for everyone".

"Fair enough. How was the mission?" I couldn't help but be curious about the kind of things they had to do.

"Boring as per usual. We didn't even get to kick anyone's ass. It was just a meeting with our suppliers". He threw his arm around my shoulder and dragged me to the living room. "Why are you asking, princess? Do you want to go on a mission too?" He was smirking as he plopped down onto the couch and dragged me with him.

"No... I mean, maybe? I was just curious what I would have to do".

"Most of the time it's like today. Meetings, making deals with others organizations or even just patrolling the neighbourhood to make sure no one has figured us out. We rarely get to do something fun like kicking some ass or getting back at someone who has betrayed us".

"When do you think I'll get to go on a mission?"

"The boss said once he trusts you, but I'm pretty sure he already does in his own way. He's probably just waiting a little longer until he finds the right mission for a beginner like you".

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