Chapter 6

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It has been two weeks since me and Shigaraki shared that heated moment in the bathroom. Two weeks, yet sometimes I still had trouble believing it was true. Every once in a while, my mind would drift back to that moment. I couldn't even remember it properly. I had been so caught up in the moment that time and space seemed to disappear.

A few things have changed in these past weeks. Me and Shigaraki now spend time together regularly. After the kiss it had been quite awkward. At first it was like we couldn't stop. The sound of our heavy breathing bounced off of the walls. My hands tightened around his neck, pulling him closer to me.

His hands were roaming over my body. First they travelled up my back, then they went lower and lower until they stopped right above the curve of my ass. He dug his fingers into my skin to the point where they left a bruise. My mind was so fuzzy that I couldn't contain the soft moan that escaped from my mouth.

Once we had finally calmed down, neither of us knew what to say or do. What do normal people do after a hot and heavy make out session with a person they had known for only a few days. Not to mention that that person was also one of the most dangerous villains in the country, possibly the world.

For some reason I couldn't seem to care about that part. All of the rumours and stories I'd heard people spread should've been a big enough red flag for my mind to register him as a danger. Yet, the only thing I could think of when I saw him, was how much I wanted him to trust me and to confide in me. That and some inappropriate thoughts.

That night, we were both a little overwhelmed and we needed some time to process everything that had just happened. Our mouths parted, but his hands were still resting on my lower back. We took some time to catch our breaths before we started talking.

"That was unexpected", he said, still slightly out of breath.

I laughed lightly and said: "You can say that again. So... What do we do now?"

He seemed just as clueless as I felt. "I don't know, I didn't think this far ahead".

"So you thought about kissing before?" I said with a smirk.

"I would be lying if I said I haven't". He paused briefly, a frown forming on his face. He buried his head in the crook of my neck as he continued speaking. "What the fuck have you done to me".

My smirk widened and I stroked his hair. "I'm not sure, but if this is your reaction, I hope I keep doing it".

His head rose from my shoulder. He looked amused, the corner of his mouth was perked up. "Glad we can agree on that. Does that mean I can do this whenever I want?" He said as he moved closer again.

Before his lips were able to touch mine and before I lost all self control, I blocked his mouth with my hands. His eyebrows scrunched up and his hand reached to remove mine.

"Uh, stop right there", I said and his hands immediately stilled. My heart swelled at the way he listened to me right away. "Though I very much enjoyed this, I'm starting to get tired and I don't want to look like a zombie tomorrow".

He looked at me, desire and frustration clear in his eyes. I lowered my hands and walked out of the bathroom, pulling him with me by his arm. I stopped in the middle of his room.

"I'm too tired to continue right now, but if you want we can spend some time together tomorrow?"

His eyes lit up and his face now sported a satisfied expression. At that moment, he reminded me of a child who was promised candy. I couldn't help but smile.

"Fine, it's not like I have something better to do", he said trying to sound cool, but the excitement in his voice betrayed his anticipation for the next day.

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