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The sleek black expensive car was stationed outside, within it sat the Demon who had his elbow on the side of the window- head resting on his hand.
The other hand was languidly gripping the steering wheel as the passenger side door opened.
"Hi." She greeted as usual, smiling as she sat in the car. Jisoo hadn't really been inside a car- she looked around fascinated by all the buttons and the interior of it.
Renjun glanced at her, starting up the vehicle as it rumbled under them. "Seatbelt." He muttered to her, not really happy with how his friends forced him to pick Jisoo up.
"Hm?" "Your seatbelt, unless you want to go flying out the window if we get into an accident, I suggest you put it on."
Jisoo glanced besides her after following Renjun's stare, finding the so called seatbelt but unsure of what to even do.
She opened her mouth to speak- turning her head but breath catching in her throat upon being met with Renjun's face closer to her than remembered.
His arm reached over her to grasp the seatbelt in his hand- Jisoo rooted in the spot as his eyes momentarily met hers but the fleeting skip in her heart ceased as Renjun backed away to put the seatbelt in.
He cleared his throat, moving his hair out of his eyes to start up the car and Jisoo watched as all the houses and trees zipped past them.
"How has your day been?" She asked, turning to look at him- he looked so unfazed yet in deep thought everytime she looked at him.
"Yeah good." "That's good." She said with a small nod. "...how uh, 'bout you?"
His question caught her off guard, turning to look at him as he stared straight ahead. Jisoo's lips curved into a smile, eyes crinkling at the edges.
"My day was great thank you for asking." There was a silence after her words as she studied him. "What?" He asked, feeling the weight of her gaze.
"You always seem to be in deep thought...what are you always thinking of?" Renjun pursed his lips together, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.
"None of your business." "...sorry." She said quietly. "I probably shouldn't pry."
The girl turned her head to look out of the window as Renjun briefly glanced at her but failed to say anything to her.
Jisoo looked down at her lap, the lockscreen glowing with the picture of her family. The demon caught the sight and spoke. "Is that your family?" He asked, never have given a thought about her life she had left behind.
Jisoo nodded with a sad smile, thumb brushing over the screen. "I hope they're okay." "Do you miss them?"
"A lot." She admitted, voice vulnerable with a glimmer of hurt. "I just want to go back. I don't..."
He stopped at a red light, leaning his head back on the headrest and glancing at her. "You don't?" "I feel guilty saying it because I know people have tried to make me feel welcomed but I don't...like it here." She admitted.
"I don't think anyone really does. I guess it isn't that bad though." "I just feel like people don't like me and I don't know what I did."
Renjun fell silent, knowing her words probably weren't intentionally directed at him but he still felt as though he was the main cause.
"Look," he began, his words trailing silently as he gained her attention. "I know I'm not the nicest to everyone, it's just a habit."
"Renjun..." She began, meeting his eyes which held so much darkness yet she knew the darkness was a wall in front of all the pain. "Who has hurt you that you can't trust anyone?"
"Myself." "Yourself?" "No one hurt me, I'm the one who hurts others."
Jisoo was unsure of what to say as his bitter toned conveyed through the car as he came to a stop in the carpark of a huge mall.
"You're not a bad person." Renjun raised a brow at her words. "Are you forgetting I'm a demon, who feeds on people and kills them?"
"Putting aside being a Demon and what you do as a Demon, you aren't a bad person." "How would you know?" He scoffed.
"Because you resent yourself for something, I don't know what it is or what happened but you resent yourself and are punishing yourself to not be happy."
There was a heavy silence that clung thickly in the air as Renjun's head was leant back on the headrest, eyes staring out of the window.
"I don't like that you can see right through me."
"Why?" She asked softly, looking at him. "Because you're making me think someone cares." "I do care."
Renjun shook his head, meeting her eyes that held sympathy inside it's light brown swirls.
"You care about helping others, but you don't actually care. And if you ever did- don't. I can't afford to ruin anyone else's life."
And with that, the boy exited the car and walked towards where the others were.
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