Can't you hear it? My voice searching for you Once again I'm left alone
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In the depths of her lonesomeness, Jisoo sat on the wooden bench that was reclused from all.
It overlooked where the water flowing was clear and the grass was green. Jisoo sighed, feeling the suffocating silence consume her as she stayed in the place that was hidden from all eyes.
Nobody crossed into this space, not a soul to be seen which left her feeling incredibly lonely.
There was a deafening creak of a door, her head turning towards the abandoned house where she saw not a single person- door shut closed as she left it.
Shivers ran down her spine, hairs sticking up straight as she trained her eyes on the house.
What was that?
Feeling oddly on edge, unsafe and paranoid, she got up from the bench and began walking with her heart beating in her chest- she was now human after all.
It was a weird feeling, being absolutely powerless and stripped of her celestial qualities she was born with.
Gripping the phone in her hand that the Demon had given her, she sceptically eyed her surroundings as she exited the area.
Turning out of the black large gates, she swiftly moved to the left to continue her journey out of the creepy atmosphere that left goosebumps in it's wake.
When she turned out of the gate, she gasped when a person was walking towards her- Jisoo placed a hand on her chest as she jolted.
The Woman glanced at Jisoo, eyes raking over her disheveled and dirty appearance to her angelic complexion.
"Hello." The Woman began hesitantly. "Oh, hi." Jisoo bowed respectfully.
"Are you okay?" "Yes, thank you." Jisoo spoke, internally panicked and on edge. "Are you look like you're hurt."
Jisoo glanced down at the blood that had dried into her white dress, biting down on her lip as she felt pain searing into her back. "I'm okay-"
"You must be a fallen."
Jisoo was taken aback, eyes widening as she looked at the Woman who offered her a smile. "Don't worry, I'm not a threat- I'm Go Aera."
"Oh..." Jisoo trailed off, unsure whether to trust the Woman. Aera's eyes flashed purple, signifying the creature she was.
"You... you're a witch?" Jisoo almost gawked and Aera nodded. "Come with me, I'll get you cleaned up- I can heal your wounds."
The house was cosy, warm and clean- Jisoo's eyes raked over the walls where pictures were hung up of Aera and her husband Minho- along with a boy who she assumed was their child.
Aera returned to the living room to see the fallen angel glancing at the picture with a smile on her lips. "You must miss your family."
Jisoo glanced behind her, smiling faltering at the mention of her family and she nodded, unable to bring up to courage to speak about them.
"You must be the same age as my Heesung." "Heesung?" She asked and Aera nodded over to the picture. "He's my adopted son, I'm sure you'd get along great!"
Jisoo smiled awkwardly as the Woman approached to hand over some clothes. "Here you go, the bathroom is on your right."
"Thank you, it means a lot Mrs Go." "Oh, no call me Aera please!" Smiling at Jisoo who nodded and began to make her way over to the bathroom.
"Don't be too long, dinner will be ready soon!"
Jisoo made it to the bathroom, locking it behind her and finally her smile dropped- wincing in pain.
She sucked in breaths to ease her pain as the phone in her hand vibrated.
Jisoo Noona, it's me Chenle!
Did Renjun give you the phone?? What if he didn't and I'm texting no one
Hi Chenle, he did
He did? Wow Wait! How are you :(
I'm okay, how are you?
It doesn't matter but I have to tell you something I'm not allowed to be seen around you so we can't talk in person
Oh So I'm really a sinner now
So we'll talk here?
Yes! I got you a place at our school
School? Why?
Because you can't just be roaming alone, you can make normal friends too!
But I can't be friends with you or the Angels, so what's the point...
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