Why are my eyes filled with tears? Hey, stay by my side.
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There was a tug on Jisoo's pink hued lips as she frowned, glancing at the box Mark had gifted her- sitting cross-legged on her bed as she internally debated with herself.
What if they hate me, abandoned me?
She shook the heart wrenching thoughts off, pulling the box over to her and gently begining to open it.
Turbulent, her emotions spun. The havoc inside her yearning for her family's embrace and love which she had been brutally deprived of.
Laying in the box was her belongings, grabbing her phone out of the box to grip onto- the background illuminating with a picture of her and Haru.
"I thought you genuinely liked me." She whispered, brushing her thumb over the picture of him before taking a deep breath.
"He's nothing to you now Jisoo." She told herself, unlocking the phone to erase the background and replacing it with one of her and her family.
By going through her things, a smile grazed her lips until her eyes landed on something wedged into the box.
The smile upon her lips quickly diminished and a strange feeling spread through her, blood running cold. Ice pumping through her veins as she hesitantly reached out- fingertips grazing over the object.
Once she grasped it into her hand, Jisoo pulled it up to her eyeline as she casted her sight on it.
There laying in her palm was a stone, an amethyst gemstone to be exact.
She was stunned, sitting in her room with the gemstone in her palm- confused as to why her parents had given it to her.
Thought you might have wanted a little present :) You are unable to reply to this sender
Cold gusts of air swarmed Jisoo as her gut sank in fear, eyes wide and she let her phone slip between her fingers as it made a soft thud on the bed.
Who sent this...
A strong feeling in her gut gnawed at her, clawing at her insides with the instinct something was wrong, something so wrong.
Deep in thought, frozen in terror of the feeling of danger surrounding her- so deep in thought she flinch at the sound of another message.
Jisoo, can you meet me by the lake please? I need to tell you something!