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The desolated streets were illuminated by the warmth of the sun, it's rays encasing over the girl as she unknowingly smiled at the feeling of it beating down on her

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The desolated streets were illuminated by the warmth of the sun, it's rays encasing over the girl as she unknowingly smiled at the feeling of it beating down on her.

A slight cold breeze carried through the atmosphere as she turned her head to glance at the boy who had silently been walking alongside her- the slope of his nose and his eyelashes fluttering as he blinked became accentuated by the bright light.

"Thank you," she began, hesitating at her words but smiled at him as he met her eyes.
"For what?"
"Wanting to help me, it's nice to have company."

Renjun's gaze watched observed how her dimples were almost constantly on show as she always smiled and the way her honey brown eyes lit up whenever she spoke.

"I mean it's for Dai so it's the least I could do to help her."
"Of course, don't worry we'll figure it out soon...she'll be okay!" Jisoo squinted as she glanced over at him but the harsh rays of sun made her laugh breathily at the sudden light blinding her.

She lifted a hand up to shield her eyes, the purple gemstones on her bracelet catching in the light and casting a purple reflection on her eyes.

Jisoo stopped at the end of the pavement, pressing the button to allow the traffic lights to change but Renjun didn't spare a glance and began walking across the road.

She gasped, eyes widening and looking side to side to see if any cars were speeding towards him. The demon boy reached the other side but looked back to see her still waiting for the lights to turn.

He scoffed at her as she stood fiddling with her fingers patiently waiting for her turn to cross. When she did finally cross and reach him, Renjun raised his brows at her.

"What?" She scrunched her nose up. "There are rules and laws for a reason you know."
"Okay but it wouldn't hurt to literally walk across the road, the cars were far away too."

"But still...it's better just to abide by the rules." She reasoned in a softer tone and a querulous taunt escaped him in a reply.
"What, are you afraid to break a few rules?"

Jisoo sighed at his obvious tease and turned the corner with him next to her.
"Yes, I am actually."
An amused airy chuckle fell from his lips under his breath as a brow raised at her.

"Sweetheart, you're way too innocent to be hanging around with demons."

"I...I'm not innocent."
"Really? I don't think I've ever heard you say anything bad, not even one cuss word."

Jisoo slightly grimaced at the thought of cussing.
"Yeah...but not cussing doesn't make you innocent."
"There's no way you're going to convince me you," he gave a pointed, unconvinced look. "Are not innocent."

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