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The desolated achromatic, yet soul-soothing library became occupied by the three- Jisoo, Jisung and Chaerin as they all examined the masses of meticulously written out notes Jisoo had taken during the studies of the first war to break out within all of the supernatural creatures.
"This was around the time my Dad became a ruler." Jisung spoke, his natural deep tone paired with furrowed brows as he recognised the dates that matched up with the history of hell.
Chaerin leant her head fondly on his comfortable shoulder- clutching his upper arm for warmth- his hand rested habitually on her knee.
"The portal...all I know is that the portal can only be activated by the same person who casted the spell or if not, someone who can draw out the spirit of the witch who casted it." Jisoo educated them and Jisung hummed, taking it all in.
"Maybe the portal was to...I don't know, keep the now extinct creature away?" "That's a possibility, I'm pretty sure it was that because the portal was the last event of the war." The Human added.
"So...what did that drawing mean then- the portal and the house?" He murmured trying to piece it together.
Chaerin tilted her head up to glance at her boyfriend who's eyes endlessly scanned the lengthy pages, her cheek squished against his shoulder. Unable to resist, she reached up to rest her hand on his jaw to turn his head down towards her.
"Don't stress about it Sungie, please?" She frowned and his love glimmering eyes stared down at her before he gave her a kiss on the forehead out of endearment.
Jisoo caught sight of them and smiled at the sight of them both who have sticked together through everything. "I'm glad you guys found your soulmates early on in your life."
"So hypothetically you know how someone becomes your soulmate because you love them- couldn't you have like ten soulmate in your life?" Chaerin questioned and Jisoo shook her head with a small laugh.
"The soulmate bond- yes they become your soulmate if you love them but you can't love someone like you do for your soulmate- it's an entirely different love." Jisoo began, thinking of how to word it.
"You could be with someone who isn't your soulmate and continue being with them but as soon as you meet someone with such an undying love for you that maybe they don't even know of yet, a true genuine love towards you then they'd be your soulmate."
"...so Jieun," Chaerin began, thinking back on it and Jisoo sighed. "I don't know what their relationship was like but from what I know of the soulmate bond then one of them at least wasn't genuinely deep down in love."
"Renjun loved her for sure- ugh I can't believe Jieun didn't love him."
"It's not like that," Jisoo began. "Jieun could have believed she loved him and knew no different about what love was- it might not be her fault you know. There's no way of telling if someone is your soulmate unless you go ahead and make them your soulmate."
"Wait, how do Angels have soulmates?" "Through a kiss- the place lights up gold and it's really cool."
"What! Demons have to bite someone and Angels just get to kiss them to know? Wow, stereotypical isn't it- like Demons being violent and biting them yet the Angels get to tell with a loving action."
"It's a loving action for Demons too you know?" Jisoo began and they both gave her a weird look. "Normally you'd bite someone and drain them of blood but if you love someone and bite them it shows you genuinely do love them enough to not harm them."
"Wow...I never thought of it that way." Chaerin murmured in fascination. "Also, I always thought soulmates would meet with that red string thingy."
"Do you remember how we met?" Jisung asked Chaerin who nodded with a nostalgic laugh. "I feel like I've changed so much." Chaerin pondered back on it with a smile on her lips.
"Jisoo seems happy with them." Jaemin spoke, glancing at the other three of them as they stood on the rooftop of the tall building looking down at the festival.
"I'm happy that she is, honestly I couldn't wish for more." Mark stated with his own smile on his lips, knowing Jisoo was now so far from him but she was happy and that's all that mattered.
"I wish it wasn't this way, I wish we could go back to how it was where we'd all go for long walks after guardian Angel studies and just hang out." Chenle spoke with a sigh, shoulders slumping.
Jeno smiled with sympathy at the boy, patting his back. "Things happen for a reason, maybe it was her fate to be with them and not us and that's something we have to accept."
"I guess." Chenle muttered. "I just miss her."
"I know, we all do- we all miss her." Mark said softly, thinking about the girl who made him a flower crown when they first met.
But now she seemed so out of reach that they began to feel like the second choice but that was okay to them as long as Jisoo was happy.
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That's a bit sad
So many people hate the Angels but hopefully I could give some insights to the other side of the story