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When we pull into April's driveway, I take a deep breath before posting a photo on Instagram. My followers have been on my back about posting and I don't want them to know about anything that's going on in my private life

 My followers have been on my back about posting and I don't want them to know about anything that's going on in my private life

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hazeljohnson: Got my priorities straight, no more playing around

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mikey: 😍

hazeljohnson: @mikey gtfo of my comments

hazeljohnson: @mikey gtfo of my comments

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mikey: 1 + 3 = 13 @hazeljohnson

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Username1: haha hazel's jersey number 

mikey: @Username1 NONONONO 😳

hazeljohnson: ur not ugly

mikey: @hazeljohnson come over 😫

As much as I didn't want to go over to his house, I really wanted too. Maybe, there is a  possibility for us to be just friends. I need to figure out how to leave April's house without being suspicious. "Hey are you coming in?" April says as she opens the front door of her house.

"I just remember, I forgot something at my house," I say as I reverse out and start driving to Mikey's house. I'm such an idiot. 

When I get to Mikey's house, I fix up my makeup before walking towards the front door. As I'm about to knock, the door bursts open and I get confronted by a warm and comfortable hug from Mikey's mom. "Hey Hazel! I've missed you, haven't see you around," she says as she hugs me tight. "Come in!" she says as I see Mikey standing at the doorway signalling me not to tell her we 'broke up'.

"So how are you and Mikey going?" she says as she walks towards the kitchen.

"We're doing really good," Mikey says as he walks up to me and kisses me on my lips. I missed his touch, it felt good but he did me wrong. I push him off of me while his Mom's back is turned. This is going to be a longggg day. 

The Other Girl (Mikey Williams)Where stories live. Discover now