New Season New Goals

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As soon as the bell rings, I grab my books off the table and run to my locker to ensure that I'm not late for my basketball training. As I approach my locker, I see Mikey searching through his. As much as I want to wait for him to walk off, I can't be late for my first basketball training. I open my locker and ignore his existence as I start thoroughly searching through my locker. Something about him annoys the hell out of me.

"Hey, wassup with you?" He asks as he closes his locker and leans on it as he watches me drastically dump my mathematics textbook and look for my training uniform. 

"Do I know you?" I ask annoyed by his presence.

"You've been harsh to me ever since I've met you," he says as he wipes his nose. 

I finally find my basketball uniform and lock my locker. I take a deep breath in and look up to Mikey who is towering over me. "Oh, okay, hi I'm Hazel!" I sarcastically say as I put my hand out for a handshake. As he goes to shake my hand, I pull it away, "See, I'm not like the other girls, your "rep" doesn't change how I treat you," I snap. After I finish my sentence he gave me that sad look. Sorry! But it doesn't work on me. I ignore him and continue walking to the basketball courts. Luckily, our school has indoor courts.

"Wait!" he asks as he runs up to me.

"What?" I ask as I turn around and face him.

"Can I come with you, I don't know where the basketball courts are?"

"Fine," I say as I rolled my eyes. While we were walking there, I see Mikey looking at the ceiling of the hallways. Suddenly I'm roughly slammed against the lockers as his hand grips my neck. I find it hard to breathe as I try to move his hand. 

"Don't talk to me like that," he says as he caresses my cheeks. I look into his eyes and it wasn't the Mikey I was talking to back at my lockers, it was a different person. And for some reason, I didn't exactly hate this person. As I'm still gasping for air and trying to move his hand, he snaps back to reality and drops me to the ground as he runs towards the indoor basketball courts.

I sit on the floor breathing heavily for a couple of minutes. "You Idiot!" I yell as I hear my voice echo down the hallway. I slowly stand up and walk through the empty hallway until I reach the doors to the basketball courts. Before I open the door, I look at the camera on my phone and check to see any bruises on my neck. New Season, New Goals in 3...2...1...

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