Game Time

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As I walk onto courts, I look to see Mikey staring at me. I glare at him as I walk to the side bench to leave my water bottle there. "Good to see you back Hazel!" my basketball coach says as he walks up to me.

"Great to be back," I smile as I stand up.

"As you can see, we have a new player on the boys, team," he says as he signals Mikey towards him. I roll my eyes as Mikey approaches us. "As captain of the girls' team, I want you to welcome Mikey,"

"Where's Julian, isn't he captain of the boy's team?"

"Yes, he is, but he can't make it today. So as the captain of the girl's team, you have to step up to the plate," Coach says as he puts his hands on his hips. "I'll leave you to it," he says as he walks off.

"What you did back in the hallway was unnecessary," I say as I grab a basketball.

"You overreact too much," he says as he follows me.

"Okay, everyone come in! Today we are playing a game, so I can review all of the yall skills." He says as he starts making the teams. Luckily, I was not on Mikey's team.

"Hey Marcus," I say as I walk over to him and dap him up.

"Wassup Hazel," he says as he smiles. 

As I was talking to Marcus, I look over and see Mikey staring at me. As soon as I make I contact with him, he looks away.

"You ready to win?" I ask Marcus as we make our way onto the court.

"I don't know if we can win, Mikey's really good,"

"No, he's not, he's overrated," I say, Marcus shrugs and walks off.

I walk to the centre of the court and realise that I have to guard Mikey, this shouldn't be too hard.

 "I'm overrated huh?" Mikey says. I ignore him as the game starts and I start playing hard defence.

"Angela! Pass the ball!" I yell as she continues to dribble and miss the layup. I run-up to her, "Pass it next time!"

 I yell as I run down the court to defend Mikey. Josh passes the ball to Mikey, and now it was my turn to defend him. Mikey starts to drive in and dunks on me. I fall down as he lands. "Ouch! Isn't that a foul?" I yell as they start playing down the court.

"Here," Mikey says as he puts a hand out to help me stand up. I ignore it and get up on my own as I run down the court. As I get down, I stand on the three-point line ready to shoot my shot. As Angela passes me the ball, I shoot it and make a three. I celebrate as I run down the court. 

As I run down, Mikey runs near me as he whispers, "That could be you in my DMS,"

After playing for what seemed like forever, Coach finally blows the whistle and we go off to get changed.

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