New Edition

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When I arrive in the parking lot, I see Mikey sitting in his car sleeping. I park next to him and h wakes up instantly. He quickly gets out of the car and opens the door for me.

"Hey," he says as he pulls me into a hug.

"Hi," I say as I hug him back.

"I got you a gift," he says as he opens the car on the other side and walks out with a box.

"What could it possibly be?" I ask as I smile at him.

"What you've wanted since you were 10 years old," he says as he places the box on the floor.

"What? A puppy?" I say as I get the hype.

He nods as he opens the lid to see a gorgeous puppy. It was a black labrador and its eyes were the cutest.

 It was a black labrador and its eyes were the cutest

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"I can't take it," I say. "It's unfair, I never got you anything," I whine

"It's fine, I'm changing for you. This is the least I could do," he says as I pick him up from the box and hug him.

"If you want to, we can go to the pet shop to buy his accessories after we pick up Kehlani."

"That would be nice,"

"All on me," he says as he smiles.

I slowly put the puppy down in the box and hug Mikey. While I'm hugging him, he whispers, "I love you," My face starts to get hot, and instead of saying it back, I just hug him. 

"Also, I'm glad you stopped yelling at me,"


"You were eventually going to lose your voice," He says as he laughs. I laugh with him as we both get in his car. "So, about Tyrese?"

"Yeah, I'm going to end things with him," I say as I pat my puppy. "So where's Kehlani?" I ask as I look at him driving. 

"She's at the carnival with her friends,"

"You took her there?"

"Yeah, do you want to pick her up now, or after we get the accessories?"

"After," I say as I smile.

"So what should we name him?"

"I don't know, your choice since he's yours," he snickers.

"I'm glad that you're back."

"What you mean, I've always been here. I was thinking of naming him Frozone since that's my favorite hero."

"From... Incredibles,"

"Yessir!" he yells in the car as he does drives with one arm on the wheel and one arm massaging my knee.

On our way there, Mikey puts the radio on and starts singing very loudly.

The Other Girl (Mikey Williams)Where stories live. Discover now