Chapter 9

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For the next few weeks, life was amazing. I hung out at the man cave with everyone, went on missions with Ray and sometimes Henry and actually enjoyed school as Bianca was no longer there. Everything was going so well but I knew it couldn't stay like this forever.

In the movies a superhero always has one sidekick, never two. The truth loomed over me. Ray had to choose soon. I had caught him worrying about it multiple times and truthfully, I was devastated. I had built solid friendships again and living here would be boring and sad when Ray chose Henry. I braced myself, waiting for the day to arrive but Ray kept putting it off. I thought it was mean, stringing me along like this, at least tell me to leave now before I get too attached. But the weeks still went by and I settled into a routine of coming to the man cave after school and hanging out with everyone on the weekends too. Until that one day finally came around.

I should've know it would be a day filled with bad news. First I woke up late for school and hardly got there with time to spare. Then whilst sat in class, even though we had started to become more civil with each other, Henry ignored me, Charlotte and Jasper again.

"For goodness sake, why is he being like this again?" Huffed Charlotte.

Jasper sighed. "I don't know, he better getter over it soon though."

I didn't understand either until lunchtime. I sat with Chloe, who was extremely happy to see me, and with Lisa and Abi too. Everything was going well until Henry arrived at the table next to us. Lisa and Abi immediately stood up and moved away from us but Chloe stayed put. That was until Henry gave her look.

"Sorry Cass." She said quietly and she moved tables.

From the way they looked at me, I could tell, Henry didn't want them hanging out with a social reject like me. Even though he himself had a perfectly normal conversation every evening with me at the mancave.

"How two faced." I muttered to myself, right as Jasper and Charlotte took a seat opposite me.

"Hey Cass, sorry we're late." Charlotte uttered an apology.

"It's all good." I replied.

She saw my face and must of realised something was up as she looked towards Henry's table glowering at us and rolled her eyes.

"Just ignore them." She sighed.

And that's exactly what we did for the rest of lunch. However, towards the end my eyes drifted over to Chloe. I thought she was my friend but she still chose popularity over me. It wasn't until I actually focused on her face until I realised that she was gazing adoringly at Henry. I filled with anger. What kind of obsession does everyone have with this boy? Do they not know that he is rude, mean and so many other bad things? Henry smiled back at Chloe and she blushed. Oh my god, this was disgusting. The guy we spent weeks gossiping about was who she had a crush on. Ew.

At the end of the day, I walked out of school with Charlotte, only to be greeted by Henry and Chloe holding hands and kissing right in front of us. I may of not liked Bianca anymore but isn't this just wrong ,moving on that quickly? Everything Henry did was starting to infuriate me, he was stealing my friends, my life and almost everything I had. I was going to confront this boy and tell him exactly what I thought.

As the four of us entered the mancave I turned to Henry.

"Hey can I speak to you?" I said to him.

"Sure." He answered.

We walked through into a small back room and sat down on the upturned boxes. And that's when I let way too many thoughts escape.

"Ok so I don't know who you think you are, stealing my friends away from me at lunch, leaving me looking like a loner whilst you bitch and gossip to them about me, telling them god knows what but I will not tolerate it anymore. I am so done with you telling pathetic little stories to Ray about how your the one who is bullied whilst you're a god damn bully yourself. It ain't right that you drop your friends and pick them back up again whenever you want them. I'm telling you this right now because everyone is sick of it. Please reconsider yourself and your life choices. How can you think that it is right to just pick up and mess around with Chloe just like how you did with Bianca, I won't let you ruin her. I am done with you."

Henry looked like he truly was considering this for a second until he smirked at me.

"Why don't you stop trying to steal my job? You think you're oh so special barging in and taking my true friends but you're really nothing. I can't believe you came back here and expected everything to just be handed back to you exactly how it was."

I angrily replied. "I don't expect everything back but if I have chance of restarting my life here I'm going to damn well take it. Don't even get me started about your 'true friends'. You treat them like nothing and this was my job first I didn't know he had a new sidekick when I came here and Rays the one who gave me the chance."

Henry opened his mouth to say something but the door flew open. It was Ray.

"Both of you. Out here now." He said sharply.

When we were outside Ray started to truly shout. "I've heard exactly what you've said and exactly what's been happening at school from Charlotte and Jasper. From the words you just used I should fire you both but I need a sidekick. Right now both of you are fighting so hard for the job and I appreciate that. You both have such amazing strengths and of course you have weaknesses too. Henry, be a bit kinder, I know we're both rather up ourselves sometimes but you young man need to bring it down a bit. And Cassandra try to calm your anger at times and use your head to make rational decisions. It's a hard choice to choose between you too so I've decided, you two are going to be together as much as you can for the next couple weeks."

Henry and I exchanged horrified looks.

"I want you to work together nicely or else I'll fire you both and find a new sidekick." Ray smiled smugly.

Henry glowered at him. "Fine but only because I want the job."

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Ok I'll make a plan for you both over the weekend. You start on Monday." Ray said.

As I left the mancave and walked home, I seriously thought about it.

"This is literally going to be the worst couple weeks of my life." I thought to myself. "Spending so much time around an inconsiderate a-hole like Henry Hart is going to drive me crazy."

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