Chapter 11

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The week of me and Henry being literally almost attached passed with no big problems. It actually wasn't that bad... I guess.

A couple weeks later, Henry, Charlotte, Jasper and I were on our way to school when a mysterious van pulled up next to us. We then made the fatal mistake of pausing to look it at. Two reporters jumped out and quickly bombarded us with questions.

The first reporter spoke. "Hey kids! Do you know anything about the true identitys of Swellview's hottest crimefighters, Captain Man, Kid Danger and Miss Danger?"

We all shared uncomfortable looks.

Charlotte spoke first. "Uhh no. Nobody in this town does."

"See that's the problem, wouldn't you like to find out?" The second reporter practically shouted in out faces.

Henry made a disgruntled face. "Yeah, no, we definitely don't." And with that he grabbed my arm and pulled us all off towards school.

At the school gates, we were met with the exciteable face of Chloe.

"Henryyyyy!" She screamed.

Henry stayed still for a while and then sighed. "See you later guys." He headed off into school, Chloe by his side, leaping around like an excitable puppy.

Me, Jasper and Charlotte hung around and talked for a bit before we headed to our seperate classes.

Then we got to lunchtime. Trust me, there's a reason this lunchtime is significant.

When me, Jasper and Charlotte got to lunch we were met with a large crowd in the middle of the cafeteria. From the middle of the crowd. we could hear raised voices. Together, us three pushed through all the people to the front. We all gasped when we saw.

The two raised voices, belonged to Henry and Chloe. They were having a huge argument right infront of the entire school. It seems that we got there too late because Chloe stormed off. Right as she passed by, she looked towards the crowd, searching for someone. Finally, she met my eyes and gave me the death stare before sprinting off down the corridor.

I stood there in shock. Charlotte turned to me.

"What just happened?" She looked just as startled.

We turned back to the crowd.

"Look," Jasper tapped us.

Henry had his eyes glued to the floor as he ran away. But that wasn't the problem. The rest of the crowd was watching me.

"Uhh I think we should go guys." I said quietly.

"Good idea." Spoke Jasper.


(To fully understand the next part, i would recommend watching the episode 'Cave The Date' as i will be summarising it except for the part where Piper knows.)


At the end of the day, the four of us met up again before heading to work. Henry was quiet the whole way with Jasper providing the comedic relief for us.

When we got to work, me and Charlotte spent a couple hours working on our homework whilst Jasper, Henry and Ray were out doing stuff.

After a long period of silence, Charlotte spoke out. "My phones almost dead, I'm gonna ask the guys to pick up my phone charger from my house."

And then we went on with our work.

After a little while, the guys returned, covered in soot.

"What happened??" Charlotte exclaimed.

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