Chapter 8

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"What do you mean Henry's in danger?" I questioned Ray with a raised eyebrow.

Ray exclaimed "He triple beeped me and when I answered he said that he was in trouble and needed our help! Now come on!"

Me and Charlotte stared at him disapprovingly.

"He said he was just going to Bianca's house after school? He's been acting weird today anyway so it's probably fake." Charlotte replied.

Ray gave her the death stare. "I don't think Henry would lie like that. Now cmon Cassandra."

I quickly blew a bubble and ran over to Ray. "Up the tube."


A few minutes later and we were outside of Bianca's house. The door was unlocked so we stepped inside.

"Hello?" Ray called out.

There was no answer. We looked around carefully until a giant crash came from above. Me and Ray looked at each other before rushing upstairs quickly.

When we got up there, the situation was clear. Bianca was shouting at Henry and throwing stuff all around. From what I could hear she was upset because of the way he looked at other girls. Ridiculous.

"What is going on here?" Captain Man said.

Henry looked relieved. "Oh hi Captain Man, just having a fight with my girl friend actually."

"That's it?" Ray looked disappointed.

"Yep." Replied Henry.

"So we can leave?" Asked Ray.

"Yes." Said Henry again.

Ray turned around to leave but I stood still in the doorway.

He looked at me and said. "Come on."

I didn't move.

"Ray do you see that hand poking out from under the bed." I whispered. "Someone's making them act like everything is fine."

Right as I spoke those words, a hand came down onto my shoulder.

"Don't move." They spoke.

The person from under the bed came out and said to us: "We knew that you would come here Captain Man, thank you for joining us. Oh, one second."

He picked Bianca up and dropped her out of the window. Henry's face stayed blank and cold  as he was clearly trying to stop himself from saving her. Bianca screamed and eventually we heard her hit the ground. It wasn't that much of a drop but she probably broke some bones.

"Now she's gone, I can say this. Give me the time ray back or I tell everyone who you and Kid Danger really are." He smiled.

Ray grimaced. "I can't do that..."

So this was the time jerker. I hadn't ever fought him when I was Rays sidekick at all as he was a newer villain but a tough one.

Then he spoke. "Then I guess we turn the cameras on right now and tell everyone who you are!"

My insides went cold. I couldn't let him do that. In one swift moment and I pushed my arm backwards into the man behind me and had him on the floor. Right as I had done that another one came at me from the stairs. I kicked him in the chest and he fell down backwards. Ray soon realised what I was doing and started to help. In just a couple seconds we had all of the bad guys on the floor except the time jerker. When I looked up Henry had his gum out was chewing it rapidly.

The time jerker looked visibly angry. "Foolish choice."

He held up a small camera, ready to record Henry transforming into Kid Danger. He may have been horrible to me but I couldn't let this happen to my once best friend. I didn't want him to lose his job or have his identity shown to the whole world. Right as Henry's bubble was about to pop I ran towards the time jerker and jumped into the air ready to tackle him. Sounds like a good plan right? I just forgot one tiny thing.

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