Chapter 2

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It was Friday. I had procrastinated going to see Ray for the past four days and there never seemed a good time to go.

So here I sat, bored out of my mind by the respiratory system that my biology teacher was droning on about. Something hit me on the back of my head. I turned to see a piece of paper crumpled up on the ground. It said:

"Stay away from Henry. I know you were looking at him in maths. Bianca xoxo"

This was it. I had finally had enough of Bianca's bullying. She knew I hadn't been looking at Henry, but she wanted to start drama and I was going to give it to her. I knew that I shouldn't of done it.... but I did.

After the lesson was over I said to Bianca:

"Shut up. If I wanted Henry I could get him but I don't."

Bianca looked super angry. "Sure I'd like to see you try."

That was the moment when I came up with a plan. And it all started with seeing Ray.


After school, I decide to go to Junk N' Stuff right away. I walked in the shop and nobody was there so I decided to wait around. I couldn't just take my self down to the man cave. That was rude... right?

I'd waited for about half an hour when I gave up and stepped into the lift. As I pressed the down button, I suddenly remembered how fast the lift went. "Oh no" I thought. The lift shot downwards and I screamed so loudly, I'm pretty sure every citizen of Swellview heard. When I crashed down in the lift at the bottom of the shaft, I heard a voice.

"What on earth was that?"

The lift door slid open and there stood Ray. He gasped and I stood like an idiot, smiling slightly but awkwardly. He furrowed his eyebrows for a couple seconds before regaining his normal look.

"Cassandra. I thought it was you in all that traffic the other day, I can't believe you're back!" He hugged me tightly.

"Yeah me neither, I missed you a lot." I smiled

"Of course you did" He joked, "Now I can tell already why you're here."

With a glint in my eye I asked, "Because I missed you soooo much?"

"No Cassandra, you here to ask me about your job. As you were absent for several years, I needed to get my self another sidekick and well.... he's very good so now I come to the dilemma. I think that because so much has changed and well you require new training that I just don't have time to give you..... I'm going to keep my current sidekick and I'm going to keep him only." He looked down.

"So you don't need me? I understand that but what about our promise?" My heart shattered. This was the one thing that was keeping me happy at the moment, getting my job back, but now that was gone too.

"I've had many a sleepless night over this Cassandra and it just feels like the most logical way forward." He paused and handed me my old tube of bubblegum. "Do it one last time." He half whispered "And please don't tell anyone."

I stared at him and then the pieces of bubblegum before slipping one into my mouth and chewing it. I looked at Ray.

"I'm gonna blow a bubble." I said as I started to blow.

"You're gonna blow a bubble?" A voice from the lift doorway spoke. Unfortunately right at the wrong time, Captain man's new sidekick had decided to come back. Before he could see my face, the bubble popped and green light flooded the room. My old sidekick costume was now what I wore.

"Kid Danger!" Ray laughed. "Meet Miss Danger."

'Kid Danger' looked me up and down. "So this is her? I've heard a lot about you."

"But I don't know anything about you." I smiled

He shot down my invitation of friendliness with a cold stare, "Good."

"Be nice." Warned Ray.

"Dude what's she even doing here anyway? And in her costume? Are you replacing me or something?" He questioned.

"So many questions! She is here because she is giving up her old job and accepting the fact that I have a new sidekick. She just trying on her old costume for the last time." Ray said gently.

Kid Danger's mouth upturned slightly. He turned to me. "Oh really?"

"Yeah really. Too bad we will never know who each other really are." I shot back.

"I'm glad." He spoke.

"Woah woah woah! Why all the frostiness?" Intervened Ray.

"You have two sidekicks one of which you just fired, of course we not going to like each other. Were rivals practically." Shouted Kid Danger. It wasn't like that though. I scowled slightly. I didn't like how he'd said 'fired' but the more I think about it... I guess it was.

"Well I wan't you to be nice to each other" Argued Ray.

"No!" Said the younger one, "Anyway she's going to be gone soon. She's not your sidekick anymore."

He was right. I started to walk towards the lift. When I reached it I turned around.

"Bye Ray thank you for everything.... and nice to meet you too Kid Danger." I threw Ray my bubblegum but not before I took an extra piece to turn back into plain old Cassandra. He caught it perfectly.

"Miss Danger..." He said.

"No Ray, I'm not Miss Danger. I'm just a ordinary schoolgirl. Goodbye." I slammed the lift button quick, chewing the bubblegum as I saw Ray's sad face disappear behind the door. I blew the bubble and soon enough, I was just Cassandra again.

I walked home in silence. I felt devastated. But I couldn't let it get the better of me. If I wasn't going to get training to regain the fighting skills I had been known for then I was going to train myself. I was determined to show Ray and Kid Danger that I was capable of being the better sidekick and to show Bianca that I could become popular. A master plan revolved through my head and it all started and ended with the one piece of bubblegum in my pocket.

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