Chapter 7

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I stirred in my sleep. My phone was ringing and ringing. It wouldn't stop. I hadn't looked at it since Friday night but now it was 7 pm on Sunday night. 

I groaned and turned over to look at it. I gasped. I had 125 missed calls from Ray alone and another 40 collectively from Charlotte and Jasper. 

I smiled slightly. They still liked me. But then my face fell. Henry. Oh god.

I jump onto Instagram and see that I have 13 new messages. I click on the first one. It's Bianca.

"What the hell Cassandra? Why would you do that? I hate you so much."

The rest of the messages from her fan club are the same except but Chloe's really affects me.

Hers read: "Wow Cass I didn't think you were that kind of person."

I was so confused until I read Charlotte's message. "Cass don't freak out. Me and Jasper will tell you everything on Monday morning."

I sighed heavily and put my phone back down and decided that all though I just woke up, I needed a nap.


"It's alright Cassandra. I've got you." A strange voice echoed into my head and someone grabbed my arm but I couldn't see anything. Then I was falling and falling.


I woke up sweating at 5 am. That dream seemed so real but It couldn't be. I recognised the voice but I didn't know who it was. I better get up, Charlotte said she was coming to my house this morning with Jasper. I got in the shower, got dressed and ate breakfast slowly until about 7 o'clock. Then my phone rang again. I picked it up and heard Ray.


"Hey, Ray." I replied.

"Are you ok? The internet's going crazy!" He exclaimed.

I groaned. " Yeah, I know. I don't know what he said about me but It can't b- WAIT DID YOU SAY THE INTERNET?"

"Uh yeah. But who said something about you?" He replied.

I didn't say anything back. I clicked on Twitflash. 

"Oh my God." I gasped.

Miss Danger was trending with over 30,000 replies to a grainy video of our fight on Friday night. The caption was "Well she stole the show. Move over Kid Danger." 

Ray replied. "Isn't it great! They love you."

"But what about Henry?" I said quietly. 

Ray laughed. "He'll get over it. I haven't heard from him so I've been answering calls by myself over the weekend. If he doesn't turn up to work tonight you can come with me instead."

I grimaced. "I'm not sure that's such a good idea." 

He cut me off. "It will be fine. His loss."

Just then my doorbell rang.

"Gotta go Ray." I hung up quickly.

I walked over and opened the door.

Charlotte smiled at me, "Cass!" Jasper moved up into the doorway too. "How are you?"

"I'm doing fine but very confused." I smiled back. "Do you wanna come in and explain?"

"Yeah of course." They replied.

I stood back and let them in. We all sat down at the table. 

"Right so we're guessing that it didn't go well with Henry." Charlotte spoke.

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