Chapter 10

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It was Monday morning and I was stood outside the Hart's house. I knocked a few times before being greeted by Henry's mom. She exclaimed in surprise at my arrival.

"Cassandra! Haven't seen you in a long time!" She gushed.

I smiled at her and we went inside. Piper was sat texting whilst Henry's dad was in the kitchen. Then I looked towards the stairs and Henry Hart came sauntering down. He stared at me.

"What?" I glared at him.

"Nothing." Henry replied. "Just thinking of how much I'm gonna hate this."

I rolled my eyes. "Well come on I don't want to be late."

And with that we both trudged slowly to school together until we arrived at the front entrance. There Henry was greeted by Chloe who seemed ever so slightly annoyed that we were walking together. I raised an eyebrow at her and she gave me a look back that signified that she knew I still wasn't keen on him.

Through the next lessons, we worked together. Well tried to, Henry was also insufferable. He hardly worked with me and was constantly not paying attention. By the time it got round to lunchtime, I was fed up. I sat at the table as Henry knocked my arm almost making me spill my drink.

"Hey watch it!" I yelped.

Henry ignored me and went back to flirting with Chloe.

"Ugh." I got up and walked away from Henry.

That got his attention. "Oi, where are you going?"

"Just to the bathroom." I said before hurrying off.

As I got round the corner, I took out my phone and was texting Charlotte when I bumped into someone. I looked up to see Brandon.

"Oh sorry." I said quietly.

He opened his mouth of respond when Miss Shapen voice echoed down the corridor.

"Quick in here." He hissed into my ear as he pulled me into the janitors closet.

Unfortunately for us, it was small and it seemed like forever that Miss Shapen stood outside and talked to some students.

I shifted my foot to try and get into a more comfortable position but instead moved a bit too far and found myself now practically sat on Brandon.

He whispered quietly, "Hey."

I looked up. Our faces were wayyyy too close.

"Hi." I responded.

We stared at each other before I heard Miss Shapen's voice fading away. We pulled apart and he gave me a hand to stand up. Together, with his hand still in mine we walked out of the cupboard together only to be met by Henry.

Typical. I literally screamed inside my head as I let go of  Brandon's hand right when he was looking at us.

Brandon has the nerve to speak first, "Oh hey man, me and Cass were just hiding from Miss Shapen. What are you doing round here?"

Henry's face darkened, "Yeah sure. And I was looking for her actually." He pointed at me. "Since when do you call her Cass anyway."

Brandon looked uncomfortable, "Uh because we're friends."

I grimaced. This was so awkward and I don't know why.

"Hmm ok." Henry raised his eyebrows. "Cassandra, come on we have to go to class."

"Right." I started to walk with him but turned around. "See you Brandon."

"Yeah. See ya." He smiled.

Together, me and Henry walked to our next class. We sat in silence all through math and Henry only spoke when we met up with Charlotte and Jasper at the end of the day. All four us, made our way to work, chatting about our days and loads of other stuff.

A couple hour later, we were all doing work. I was helping Charlotte find the location of villains and Schwoz and Jasper were helping Henry test his superpower. Once they finished that they came over to ask us how it was going. Right at that moment when Henry was stood right next to me, I received a text from Brandon. I could feel Henry's eyes boring into the phone as I picked it up to answer back.

He had asked me to hang out with him and the weekend. I quickly texted back that I would love to and shut my phone off. I don't know what Henry's problem was. He's so possessive and jealous over his friends and really doesn't want me getting into his circle.

Right at that moment, an emergency call came in. Me, Henry and Ray all jumped up. In just a couple minutes we were on our way to the call. Once we arrived, we came across a gang of teenage boys attacking a group of young ladies. We sprung into action and quickly fought most of them off. Towards the end of the fight, I suddenly felt myself being dragged backwards by strong arms. A hand clamped down over my mouth as I struggled to get free. I was spun around and pushed into the wall, a knee in my stomach so that I couldn't escape. My vision started to go blurry and my lungs screamed out for air. In a flash, the hand was ripped off of my mouth. I gasped for air and as my vision started to come back in, I saw Henry fighting the guy who had attacked me. I was still doubled over from the knee in my stomach but I was met by Henry's hand in my face to help me stand up. Shakily, I grabbed onto both of his arms as I stood up in his embrace.

As soon as we stood up, the boys started to attack once again and we were pushed against each other, backwards into the wall again. Together we fought back and soon with the help of Ray we had rounded them up. The police came and took them to the station but we went back to the man cave.

Henry stood next to me and I heard him sigh. I turned to him.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, your okay too right?" He replied.

I smiled, "Of course, thank you by the way."

"It's no problem, those guys shouldn't have hurt you like that." Henry clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

I replied, "Uh yeah."

He looked off to the side, "Let me walk you home." He reached down and grabbed my bag.

"Woah okay." I ran after to him.

"We have to stay together don't we? I'm not trying to be nice." He huffed.

And that was that. Quietly, we walked home together, making a small conversation every now and then.

Once we reached my house. Henry stopped and looked at me in a way I hadn't seen before.

I turned my head to the side. "What's up?"

"Just take care Cassandra." He rested his hand on my arm and then took it off.

"Oh yeah I will thanks." I said but he was already halfway down the road.

"Man that boy is so strange." I thought to myself.

Entering my house, I closed the door behind me, looking forward to a long night of rest.

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