Chapter 1

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After the humiliating events of Saturday, I hadn't been out to visit all my previous favorite places. I'm not quite sure why but something just made me stay in. It was supposed to be a great new start for us but I had ruined it already. Still, it gave me plenty of time to think about the events that had happened and what I would do next. But the truth was..... I had no idea.

My alarm rang loudly, shaking me out of my deep sleep. Great. The first day of school. 

I quickly got up and got dressed before racing downstairs to get breakfast. I sat at the new wooden table and began eating.

"Now girls" Said my mom "I expect you to be on your best behavior today."

I scoffed and replied "Mom were not like 5."

She raised her eyebrows at me and walked over to the sofa before sinking down next to my dad to watch the news. They didn't notice me slip out the back door into the garden. I rested against the wall, breathing heavily. A dark shadow passed over head. Strange though because it was so sunny a minute ago. I look up, a huge aircraft hovers over and immediately vanishes.

"What the actual hell?" What is this? Magic or something?

I jog back inside to tell my parents but the news reporter takes the words out my mouth. 

"If any of you see a dark aircraft in the sky, please report to the local authorities immediately. Swellview police are on the search for a new Swellview villain currently unnamed to us at the moment."

That's when I made my mind up. I had to speak to Captain Man. It seemed to me like he needed help. And lots of it.

I look down and check my phone. Omg i'm going to be late! Not on the first day of school! Soooooo humiliating.

"Bye mom!" I call before slamming the door shut and running down the path to school.

I arrive just on time and there's no time to talk before I am given a time table and shoved into a form room with almost aliens to me. I sit at the back and take out my phone, waiting for the bell to ring.

"Excuse me miss what is your name?" Says the teacher at the front, peering over his spectacles at me. Everyone turns to look and I feel my cheeks burn red with embarrassment. 

"Um Cassandra sir." I say quietly.

"Well Cassandra we don't have phones out during form or lessons. Hand it to me please and come and collect it at the end of the day."

"Ok sir sorry." In some ways I am greatly relieved that it isn't anything that bad but getting told off is not exactly the best way to start a new term at school. Everyone is still staring as I walk to the front and walk back. Some familiar faces catch my eye. I'm sure that is Bianca my old best friend, she cried buckets when I had to leave. I wonder if she remembers me now. And that's Charlotte Page, the smartest girl in our year. Oh and Jasper Dunlop, he was always hilarious and he still seems to be according to the shrieking group of girls around him. 

But where is his closest friend... Henry Hart. He always stuck in my mind. It wasn't exactly good between us. We had been friends through elementary school but then he became popular and I didn't. It went to his head and when I left he was so arrogant and stuck up.

Suddenly the door swings open and in walks Henry Hart. He walks slowly across the classroom and then lands him self right next to Jasper in the middle of everyone. By the way everyone stares and the girls are fawning over him, he is still popular. He definitely looks better now though but still just as annoying. I guess our differences pushed us apart. For instance, he was rich and I wasn't, he always wanted to have more friends whilst I didn't and I guess his life was just more perfect without me in it.

The bell rings. Two lessons swing by where all I do is it sit and daydream.

At break, I decide to approach Bianca. 

"Hey Bianca, how are you?" 

Bianca turns slowly, clearly disgusted by being interrupted. Her face softens when she sees me.

"Omg Cass? No way!" She looks me up and down and her face returned to normal, "Nothing much has changed... has it?" She exchanges looks with her new friends and they all snicker. I am about to say something when Henry walks right in between us, hitting me with his arm and pushing me out of the circle. 

"Hey Bianca babe." 

That's when I realized that no way was I getting on with her again. She had wormed her way into the popular group and never in a million years could I do that too.

"Hey Henry my ikkle little cupcake!"

A retching sound comes from behind me. There stands Erin, an old mutual of mine. 

"Omg Erin finally a normal person!"

"You looked like you need a friend." She chuckled "Don't worry I'm open to applications."

I laugh "Do you think I could hang around with you?"

"Of course! Anytime!"

"Great" I smile.

More lessons pass by and as I go to walk out of the class Bianca shoves past me, making me drop my book. 

"If there is one thing I'm certain of." I think. "It's that I should stay clear of Bianca for now."

As I sit down with my lunch at Erin and her friends' table, I start to take in just how much I have missed. Everyone seems so much more grown up. All the tables are occupied. I'm just glad that Erin has taken me in. School is definitely not going well for me by the looks of it. High pitched giggling echoes from the popular table so I turn away and immerse myself in the conversation going on around me

By the time lunch finished we were the only ones left in the canteen and I had been asked about a million questions about my travels. Basically I had explained my whole life story but at least they seemed interested in me right?  I trudged to the last lessons, dreading the next whole year of monotonous schoolwork.

After school was over, I walked home slowly in the rain by myself. The weather seemed to have changed so quickly just like my mood. It poured down but it didn't bother me. Slowly the rain mixed with my own tears running down my face. I felt so sorry for my self. This wasn't how things were supposed to be at all. I had imagined all my old friends welcoming me back and being so happy but instead I felt alone. I know I had Erin but did she even really like me? So many questions flew around my head but I only knew the answer to one. 

Tomorrow I would go and see Ray. It was final. I needed to sort things out.

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