Chapter 8

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I turned around to find Jungkook fiddling around with my little black box. "Yah! Why did you take my phone?"

"I dunno, it was just on the table." I rolled my eyes. "Can't you just give me the phone?" I walked up to him, reaching for my phone which held high above his head.

"Nah. If I give you your phone, then you wouldn't have any reason to go with us to the dance."

"What?" I shrieked. "That's it? You should have just asked."

"There would be no fun in that." I seriously wanted to slap this guy right now.

"I'll wait for you, but can you please give my phone back?"

"Yeah, here." He threw the phone over which landed safely in my palms.

"You're lucky I caught it."

"That's because I'm a good thrower."


Jungkook's P.O.V

I sat on the bed waiting for the Taehyung to finish preparing. Gosh, he took long. Joonhee's phone started to vibrate.

Onew: Do you want me to pick u up?

Onew: so?

Onew: isit a no? .-.

Should I reply for her? Nah, that would be rude. But. She was hanging out with that jerk. And we all know what BFFs will become. It's super cliche, but still, I can't take any chances. As I was about to type her reply her phone buzzed again.

Onew: I'll meet u there later :x

I got out of the room to find Joonhee. She wore a dress that fitted her curves perfectly and wore heels that made her stand at my shoulder height. And, dayum, she was hot.

Joonhee's P.O.V

"Oh, nice wallpaper." He added.

"Yeah, it's hilarious."

"Shall we go?"



We got to the dance just in time. Just in time as in 5.55 pm. We put on our masks and got inside. The school hall was decorated with blue and white ribbons,  to match our school colours.

Onew: Can u spot me? ;)

Me: no *laugh-cry*

I searched the whole hall for Onew, but still no sign of him.

"Lost?" I looked straight ahead and found a pair of eyes staring back at me. I couldn't recognize the person though, so the mask was working. I could only see his the dim light flickering off his light brown hair.

"Yeah, sorta. I was actually finding my friend."

"I see." As the silence between us elapsed, I began to pay more attention to his outfit. It fitted the whole fancy-smanshy theme. His mask was also really detailed, as if he drew it himself.

"Aren't you cold?" He said, referring to the cuttings on my back. His voice sounds so familiar yet so unknown.

"Huh? Nah, it's a little chilly, but it's not too much that I can't handle."

"Do you want to dance?" He popped up the question.

"Sure." The song was slow and melodious, perfect for a slow dance. I placed my hands on his back and waist while he placed his hands on my neck and waist.

The dance was slow yet smooth. We rocked back and forth to the beat. "Are you a dancer? You dance quite well." I blushed.

"I was." No. I was so not gonna remember what happened in the past tonight.

The music started playing..

We both began dancing..

Twirling around in sync..


My eyes started to water. No. Now is not the time Joonhee. We continued to dance until the thought drifted from my mind. "Do you want any refreshments?"


"I'll go and take for the both of us, you stay here."

"Aye." I sat on the benches on the side of the hall waiting for him to come back with the refreshments. "Joonhee!" I saw Onew walking towards me.

"Hey," I waved.

"You don't know how long I spent finding you." I laughed. "Yeah, I bet you were too caught up in dancing with other girls to even try to find me."

"I did not."


"Do you wanna dance?"

"Sure." He held a hand out for me to take but just as I extended my hand, another hand brushed mine away.

"I'm afraid you're stealing my dance partner." I looked up at the person whom I danced with just now. Jeez, protective much?

"Fyi, I asked her out first."

"But you didn't find her before I did,"

"Why don't both of you find someone else to dance with, and I'll get back to you later." Before they had a chance to answer, I left for the female toilet.

I entered the toilet which was bright, compared to the dance floor. I took out my mask and rinsed water over my face.

After rinsing water, I realized there was someone standing at the door. "You look amazing," I walked towards the door as he took on swift step inside and shut it tight.

He took out his mask and...


"It took you a while," Well duh. He had his hair dyed brown and he had a flicking mask on, how was I supposed to recognize him?

"Wait," It dawned on me. "You were the one I was dancing with?" He nodded. He was a pretty good dancer. "What's with the whole Onew thing? Can't you all just treat him nicely?"

"You see," He took a step forward. "We have many various reasons for disliking him," He took another step. "And mine is," He took one last step forward. I had my back against the cold tiled walls and his body against mine, very much like the last time.

"I.." He leaned forward. "" My eyes widened. He started to slowly nibble on my ear. What. Just. Happened.

"Jimin.." I bit my lip, trying hard not to let any moans escape. He continued, trailing down my neck. "Hajima," He stopped. "I can't just say yes, it's not right. I don't even fully know you.." His facial expression darkened.

"Hmmm.. Give me a month, just 1 month. I'll be your boyfriend for 1 month, and if you still think it's not right, then after that month, you don't have to be my girlfriend anymore." I thought about it, it's not like I would actually fall for him, and getting my first 'temporary' boyfriend was pretty cool. "Hmm..alright,"

He grinned broadly as he leaned in to kiss me. "But, only on a few conditions." He rolled his eyes. "You can't kiss me for over 2 seconds, and... you can't call me your girlfriend in public. Or else, consider the deal off."

"Fine," He said reluctantly. He kissed me full on the lips before leaving the bathroom.

Squeals uncontrollably, inside my head. My lips were still burning from the sensation of the kiss. I checked my reflection, at least he didn't give me a mark.

I put on my mask and went back to the dance floor.

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