Chapter One

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Three years later after 'The University' timeline

The window was slightly open, the sunlight made its way inside as the curtains were flying here and there, there sat the girl with brown hair and grey lowlights, on her bed with her knees to her chest, she just wanted a break. She was disappointed, not on her past, not on someone, but on herself.

He still had the effect on her, and she wondered, why did she even love again? Why? why did she want him again? The man who left her like his best friend did, at that point, she had no trust on loving again. She had everything, didn't she? Fame, money, beauty, fans, talent, loving friends who were her members, then why? why did she still feel incomplete?

Was it because she let go of the fragile memory that always broke her? or was it because she choose the wrong path to get rid of her emotions? She had questions, and she wanted answers.

She sighed, glancing at the window, she really wanted to lay in her bed for a month and do nothing, but she can't do that, she knows that she can't, because it will stress her more. thinking, she always hated that, her mind was clouded with old memories, right, she also hated that, because it felt like she only had bad memories instead of good ones.

She should be happy, right? The man that she used to love has moved on, isn't that a good thing? but it hurt, it hurt her, and she had bad feelings that she might still love him. Now that was a stressful thing, she was way too popular in just two years, one wrong move and her career could be over.

She cried last night when she remembered how he had hugged his girlfriend. She was an idol, he was an idol, his girlfriend was an idol too, what a coincidence. He finally achieved his dream, she did too, but going in the idol industry was Lisa's plan. She wanted to talk to him, to sort out things, but too late, he was dating another idol. 

How ironic, when she finally felt bad about leaving him, Bae Irene came into the picture and stole him away. 


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It can't be, right? The girl with brown hair and pink lowlights thought as she gazed outside while standing in her balcony. She sipped on her tea as she sat down, after three whole years, he showed up again. She knew she was the reason why he was in the kpop industry; she had encouraged him after all, she was his hope, his light in the darkest days.

Well would you look at that, they were both idols, coincidence? more like destiny, their destinies. She always saw him in award shows, always, oh how she wanted to slap him and hug him at the same time. She might deny it, but deep down inside, she was sure she still loved. He looked even better now, his dimples were there like always, his smile, it got even more beautiful.

She watched him carefully last night, he didn't even go near any female idol, he avoided them. does that mean he knows that she's an equally famous idol as himself? Or does he still love? Maybe it's because of the security system? She was desperate to know it all.

But no, even if he still loved her, she won't forgive him that easily, it wasn't easy to forget those three years of misery he gave her. She would lie if she said she doesn't have that note in her phone case since that day, she never gave up on him, she never gave up on them, there was always something inside her that screamed "HE'LL COME BACK! HE ALWAYS KEPT HIS WORD!'.

But what if he really changed? So much time passed, maybe he moved on, who knows? practically she doesn't.  He might've just lied and gave her false hope because she was too sensitive in those kind situations, but she wasn't buying any of it.

She took a deep breath before trying to open her eyes to the reality that she lived in. "No Jisoo, stop it, you have to give up on this, move on and let go, last time he was also the reason you were going to get kicked out of Blackpink" She told herself, and stood up. She was tired, her feelings had led her to enough chaos and disasters, and she knows she can't handle another one called "Jisoo I have moved on from you".

She went out and decided to check on Jennie. Being the oldest, she barged in, she saw Jennie staring outside the window. She frowned; Jennie looked stressed. She closed the door, Jennie was so lost that she didn't even notice Jisoo coming and leaving.

Jisoo sighed to herself, she wasn't dumb to not know the reason behind Jennie's stress, she knew Jennie encountered Taehyung last night. Well, what happened you ask? Jennie was going backstage with Jisoo when Taehyung came from the other direction, Jennie didn't see him and they bumped into each other, he had no reaction at all, he had just left without a word, and since then, Jennie had been spacing out.

Jisoo just wanted to get rid of her past, on one hand she wanted to give up on Namjoon and make her way to the top, while on the other hand she wanted to leave everything and run back to him, she was confused. 


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(a/n: hey yo! this was just Jisoo and Jennie, next is Chaeyoung and Lisa! Bye~

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