Chapter Twelve

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"Don't be afraid of losing people, be afraid of losing yourself by trying to please everyone"


Warning; Slight voilence ahead

"Yah stop stealing my rice!" Jin yelled angrily at Jungkook, the room fell into some comfortable laughs. Apparently, since things were back to normal now, BTS and Blackpink were friends again like the old times. Right now, they were in BTS' dorm, chilling together. One person was yet to arrive, and that was none other than Lisa, where was she?

Jungkook didn't know where was she, she didn't respond to his texts, he was slightly worried, but choose to leave it since Lisa might be stuck in traffic. Yeah, that should've been it, yet it wasn't.


Betrayal, lies, guilt, a heartbreaking truth, everything hit at once. Lisa ran down the street with tears in her eyes, she couldn't believe it, Jennie had played with her.  Her hand still stung after she left a mark on Bambam's cheek moments ago, she made sure to slap him hard, he was a traitor. 

She slammed the door open, everyone turned to her, and they hadn't expected this. "You liar!" Lisa growled angrily, pulling Jennie's hair, she winced in pain. "Lisa!" They tried to stop her, but she was done being held back. 

"Do you guys even realize what she did to us!? To me!? She tricked us! She played with me!" Lisa yelled, then her eyes caught Jimin who was trying to stay away from this mess. Lisa pushed him by his chest, he fell on the ground. 

"Tzuyu huh? I can't believe you would do this to me! You made a deal with her so you both can get Chaeyoung and Taehyung!? You bought Bambam and asked him to tell you about my plan! You told Jennie all those lies that she fed Taehyung! You little-" Lisa started kicking his legs. "Lisa please!" Jimin shouted and rolled away from her, his legs hurt, she kicked them hard. 

"Lali" Jungkook engulfed her into a hug, she fought in his embrace, she was so hella mad at everyone. They stayed quiet until Lisa calmed down, and that was when they heard a slap. Their heads snapped back, even Lisa. Jennie had a hand on her cheek which was turning red as she was on the floor, Taehyung had his hand in the air.

They gasped in realization, Taehyung had just slapped Jennie. "I shouldn't have trusted your lies, you cheater" He said, Jennie stood up again. "No Tae listen-" He cut her off. "Shut up! How many lies are you gonna tell me now! You were seeing Kai and you lied to me! I shouldn't have given you a second chance" He shook his head.

Chaeyoung had a hand over her mouth as she sobbed silently. Jimin watched, he watched himself getting destroyed, and he knew he couldn't do anything about it. Chaeyoung turned and left abruptly, she knew she wasn't emotionally stable right now, and she won't make a decision at the moment. 

Taehyung had left, Chaeyoung had left, Lisa and Jungkook also left. Yoongi and Hoseok ran after Chaeyoung, Jin ran after Taehyung. Jennie and jimin stayed rooted on their places, taking in what happened. Jisoo and Namjoon just stayed still, everything just happened so quickly.


"Chae!" Hoseok and Yoongi yelled after the girl who was running away as she wept. "Chaeyoung stop" Yoongi grabbed her arm, stopping her. "He tore my friends apart" She said. "We know, but please, don't do something you might regret later" Hoseok said.

Chaeyoung loved her friends, she always wanted to see them together, but her boyfriend just did what she didn't want to happen. He broke the years long friendship in a blink, and in the worst way. How will Lisa trust Jennie again? How will Taehyung trust Jimin again? How will they all trust the two again? 

Maybe they won't.

Maybe they will.

It depended on a good explanation, but Chaeyoung didn't know what she would do now, what will happen? Where everything was supposed to end, a new chapter began. Earlier when Chaeyoung saw her friends in the boys' living room, she thought that was it, that was their end, together. But little had they known, it was just the calm before the storm.

Everyone was supposed to have a happily ever after, but it just got worse.

(Hii!! Giving you guys a huge plot twist. 

Guys pls pls pls check out my new Hoseok fanfic, it's called "Scarlet" and even though I just started it, I wanna tell y'all that it's gonna be amazing.
It's the first part of my Rainbow series, a series in which everything is connected. So go ahead and read it! I'll update it soon!

P.S: Lord how hard it is to be writing 3 fanfics on the same time, the third one is in mah drafts, then I'm also planning ANOTHER fanfic. LORD I'LL GO INSANE SCHOOL IS ALSO ON MY BACK ALONG WITH WORK WITH HOME LIKE BRO I'M JUST THIRTEEN AND ALL THIS-ahem, my apologies, see u tomorrow hehe.

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