Chapter Six

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"The more you love, the more you realize that some people are worth a broken heart"


"I want you all to talk with them, we finally have the chance to explain ourselves tomorrow, so I want you all to understand that we have to sort out things with them" Taehyung told them all as he stood behind the sofa in the living room. No one replied, they all were too guilty about it, they saw how broken they were, and they felt bad or being the reason.

They were regretting the fact that they left them with just a note, they could've told them, they would've understood. But then again, Taehyung was at fault too, he was the one who took them away before they could even explain a thing. He sighed and looked over at Namjoon, both shook their heads at each other, sadly, none of them were up on giving an explanation.

"I swear to god Jisoo, none of us is going near any of them" Jennie warned, standing in the middle of the hall as the rest were seated here and there. "Except that black haired guy we've never met before, he seems really nice" Jisoo said, eating some peanut butter on a piece of bread. 

Jennie thought for a moment, but in the end, Hoseok was still their friend, and they might use him to get close to them again. "No, not even him" She replied, Jisoo pouted. "Unnie, sorry if I'm being rude, but what is your problem? I mean why do you wanna keep us away from them now?" Chaeyoung asked. Lisa's brow twitched in annoyance; she hated that topic.

"Because I want to protect you all, I don't want those feelings to be alive even after we've buried them, I don't want them to break your hearts again if that ever happens" Jennie answered. "No no, it's because you don't want him to break your heart again" Lisa corrected. "Oh shut up, no ones talking to you" Jennie said rudely.

Lisa looked at Jennie, her heart was broken by what Jennie just said. "What? No one wants you here" Jennie said, rolling her eyes at her. Lisa stood abruptly and took fast steps to the doors of the dorm. "Lisa! Where are you going?" Chaeyoung asked as she held Lisa's shoulder who was busy wearing her shoes. 

"No one wants me here, right? So I should better be out" Lisa spat harshly before grabbing her car keys and walking off with a jacket in her hands. Chaeyoung watched her go, she knew that it hurt Lisa, but before she could do anything, Lisa drove away. Tears fell as Lisa was driving to a certain place, she knew she would find him there.

She parked her car in front of a beach-like place, 9 pm at night, silence was all around, the place looked so empty and abandoned. She got out and started walking, after some time, she saw a huge cave-like place, she ran towards it. Stopping near it, she could hear the radio from inside, a man's shadow was visible, stating that there was also some bonfire going on.

She could see him standing, slightly humming to the song that was playing on the radio. She went to him and pushed him by his chest, crying harder, she took the water bucket next to her and threw it on the dancing flames, she threw the radio on the ground, causing it to break. "Lisa" He mumbled, watching her destroy everything as she cried.

He went to her and tried to wrap his arms around her, she fought in the hug, throwing her fists on his chest and arms, but as to he was stronger and taller, he still managed to hug her tightly. "I hate you!" She yelled, her voice a bit hoarse this time.

Every day, she hid the pain, three years, she hid it all, she never let the tears fall, her emotions built up little by little, and by what just happened, she knew she couldn't hold it in anymore. "Shh it's okay, I'm here" He tried to calm her down. "No it's not okay! You're not here! No one is with me!" She shouted; he wiped her tears that were flowing like a river. 

"Lisa please," He said, he was gonna lose it too, he was a strong man, he never cried, but seeing Lisa hurt, it hurt because he was the reason behind it. "PLEASE WHAT!? I'M TIRED! I'M SO DAMN TIRED! THEY HATE ME! WHAT WRONG HAVE I DONE TO THEM!? I JUST TRIED TO HELP SOMEONE AND IT LEADED ME HERE! I JUST WANTED SOME LOVE *sobs*" She started sliding down in his arms, falling on her knees.

"Lisa control yourself" He said, pulling her up again. After all this acting, she had no energy left, it was going wrong, her emotions were getting her again. 

He comforted her, feeling sorry, if only he and Taehyung weren't such a problem, she would be getting the sister love she dreaded to have. The river of her tears stopped, she stared up at Namjoon who held her close to him, her glossy eyes shone in the moonlight. "I'm so sorry Lisa, you always suffered because of us" He said, crying silently. 

Since childhood, Lisa had been the hero, she always saved Namjoon and Taehyung from bullies, she always comforted them, she always helped them when they were in problems, she was selfless, her kind heart attracted others, she was perfect in others' eyes, but only if she really was what people thought.

She was dying inside, no romantic love, no sister love, no family love, no sibling love, just herself and her broken heart. The girl was still young at age, it was traumatizing to know that no one wanted her now, she's always there when someone needs her, but now that she needs someone, no one is there, no one. 

Hours later,

"Namjoon? What happen-LISA!" Jisoo panicked when she saw Lisa in Namjoon's arms. "She...collapsed, please take care of her" Namjoon said, giving Lisa's unconscious body to Jisoo. 


"Please don't tell them that I brought her here"


"Text me when she wakes up, good night" 

Namjoon left quickly after that. Jisoo watched him drive away again, she sighed and closed the door with her foot as to she was carrying Lisa's extra weight. "LISA!" Chaeyoung yelled as she ran to Jisoo, stumbling in the process, but she reached to her and helped her. Jennie stood in her room, watching all that from afar. 

A worried expression was painted on her face, they might fight all day, she might say she hated her, but that wasn't true. She still remembered the promise they made five years ago; to love each other like real sisters, and she admitted that Lisa still held a special place in her heart despite everything that was going on between them. Jennie decided to act as if she was sleeping, she could check on her in the morning.

But deep down inside, Jennie still couldn't believe that Lisa hid so much from them, from her. Just for their happiness, Lisa broke herself.

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