Field Trip To Shield Headquarters

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This is not related to my other oneshot. Basically the avengers are looking for spiderman and find him on the day of his class trip. Homecoming and civil war never happened.

TW: Swearing, badly written fight scene

"Avengers! I have a mission for you."
Nick Fury slammed a file onto the table where the avengers were sitting.
"Is it so important that you had to call us here at 1am?" Tony Stark asked sarcastically.
Fury just gave him a look.
"Spiderman has been spotted on the streets of New York. I want you to find out why he is all the way out here instead of Queens."
"The spider guy?" Steve Rodgers asked  "Isn't he harmless?"
"we don't know his full intentions and that's a threat. I'm just asking you to bring him in so we can question him and find out his identity."
"Whatever, let's just get this over with." said Natasha Romonoff, and the sleepy avengers suited up.

Peter Parker was on a three day field trip to New York for his decathlon competition. His class had won, thanks to MJ, so this was his last night here. He decided to go on a celebratory swing around New York, it had much cooler buildings than in Queens (**DISCLAIMER**I've never been to Queens so I have no idea what it's like, I have been to New York though and that was pretty impressive) He stopped a few thieves and foiled a bank robbery, He was now sitting on the roof of a shopping mall, taking in the sights.
He took a bite out of a burger that a kind man had given him for free.
Suddenly he heard the sound of thrusters behind him. Spiderman turned around to see Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye. What were they doing here?!
"Uh.... Hi?" he said, gesturing at the group. "You can sit if you want - it's a nice view."
"As much as I would love to do that, we aren't here to hang out with you." Iron Man said. "We have orders from SHIELD, we need to bring you in."
Spiderman began to panic, they couldn't take him in! He would have to reveal his identity and then they would never let him be spiderman!
"Uh - I'm really sorry guys but I can't do that."
"Then we'll just have to take you by force." Captain America stated.

Spidy wasn't having any of that, so he jumped off the roof, sending a Web at the last minute and swung away.
But he hadn't lost them. The avengers jumped across the roofs in hope to catch up with the arachnid.

Spiderman swung all the way up the Empire State Building so he was resting on the tall spire at the top.
He tried not to look down, he wasn't exactly good with heights.
Dawn was breaking, he had to get back to the hotel! By now everyone would be waking up, ready to go on a visit to the SHIELD Headquarters. Wait - hang on - didn't the avengers want to bring him to SHIELD? oh shit.

He quickly shot a Web to a building lower down, and began to slide down it. But half way down the Web broke, and when spiderman looked up he saw Black Widow next to his broken Web. Now he was falling. There was nothing he could do but accept his doom. He was going to die.
At the last minute he felt himself fall into a pair of iron arms. He looked up and was met with a fist. He was knocked out cold.


Ned woke up to find Peter gone. He knew that he had gone out as spiderman to check out the sights, but he always came back before dawn. And the sun was shining. He turned on the TV on the wall. It was a proper nice TV, the hotel was pretty rich.
The news showed footage of spiderman fighting with the avengers, and falling almost to his death but caught by Iron Man. Shiiiiit Ned thought. He came up with an excuse that Peter had to leave urgently in the night because his great uncle had died, and everyone believed it. (except MJ) So the decathlon team got ready for their tour of SHIELD Headquarters.


Peter woke up from a nightmarish slumber. He was in a strange grey room that had a large mirror across one of the walls. There was a big, iron door on the opposite wall, it had an assortment of locks and it was obviously magic / ability proof.
There was no way out.
He was sitting on a chair. His wrists were cuffed tightly with some metal thing.
He was at a table, which had a chair on the other side.
So someone's going to come and interrogate me Peter thought.

As if on cue, a man entered the room.
He wore dark clothes and an eyepatch, and he had a very sour look on his face - as if he had swallowed a lemon.

Luckily Peter still had his mask on, the avengers had literally knocked him out and carried him here, no one else had come into contact with him.
"Where am I?"
"You're in SHIELD Headquarters. The avengers are just outside this room, so be compliant or I'll get them to beat the crap out of you." The man said.
Peter gulped.

"My name is Nick Fury. Director of SHIELD - Now take that mask off."
"Uh - I can't, you handcuffed me..."
"Fine I'll do it myself." Fury scowled.
He yanked off the spider mask, revealing a young teenager with curly brown hair and Hazel eyes.

Peter winced as the light flooded into his eyes. Fury tried to hide his shock.
He had just got the avengers to almost kill a teenager.
" Hi?" the boy said. "Uh - I'm Peter. Parker. I'm 16."
Fury just stood there. There was an awkward silence.
"C-can I go now?"
"I actually have a school trip here..."
"So - uh, you good?"
Fury finally seemed to come to his senses, he shook his head and uncuffed Peter.



The decathlon team unboarded the yellow school bus and stood in front of the tall building that said 'SHIELD' on the front in big letters.

Ned wrung his hands together nervously, MJ studied his face, something was bothering him, and she guessed it was Peter. MJ didn't believe that Peter had a family emergency, he wouldn't just leave them without saying goodbye.

The class was ushered inside to start their tour. They were taken to see the offices, labs and interrogation rooms.
Their tour guide was showing them some interrogation rooms when spiderman walked out, surrounded by the avengers who were all apologising profusely. The whole decathlon team stood there, their jaws dropped.

Then something even wierder happened.
Spiderman spotted the class, and he froze.
He completely freaked out.
Flash was bamboozled. He was standing right in front of his idol.
There was an awkward moment as the two groups stood staring at each other.
Iron Man stepped forward.
"Is there a problem? He asked, putting a hand on spidermans shoulder.
Spiderman shook his head.

The tour guide quickly ushered the class down a different corridor, apologising to the avengers as he followed the class.


"What was that about?" Black Widow asked.
"T-that was my class Ms Black widow I'm sorry, I panicked."
"Call me Natasha, and wow that must be stressful. What are the odds of that happening!" she joked.
They all laughed.
"Hey - kid, listen we're all really sorry about, well - trying to kill you." Steve said. The other avengers nodded.
"It's ok - I should have just gone with you." Peter replied.
"Mabye - mabye you could come to the compound sometimes? I'm sure you will make a great avenger someday, and we can train you." Tony Stark said.
Peter's face lit up, and he nodded excitedly. He was finally where he belonged.

The end :)

Please give me feedback! I sort of rushed the ending, I'm tired :/
But anyways, I've never seen a story like this and I thought it was quite cool.
I might make a part 2 later but it depends on what you guys think.

Happy New year! 2020 sucked but hopefully 2021 will bring better times.

Word count: 1381

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