Nerf Battle Gone Wrong

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Ok, I'd just like to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who has read this book! When I started writing I never expected to get this many views and now I'm on 3k!
Also I'm working on my first hamilton book, which is basically washingdad Oneshots.
Anywayssss.... Let's get to it.

TW: blood

Loki messed up. Badly.
And now the avengers were trying to capture him.
It was meant to be a prank - but Loki had a very different idea of pranks.
Let's go back to the beginning.

Rewind/rewind/rewind/helplessss/schuyler/schuyler/lookaround/lookaround/rewind I can't help it rip

Six hours earlier

Peter was ecstatic. He was staying at the avengers compound to work with Tony, and the avengers were there!
He had met the avengers many times, but the excitement never wore off.

He and Tony stayed in the lab for most of the morning, working on their suits, Tony occasionally examining Peter's work, giving him advice and praise.

They decided to stop for lunch, making their way to the kitchen.
Steve had made lasagne, and they all tucked in.
"We're gonna have a nerf battle later, wanna join?" Clint asked Peter, shovelling a mouthful of lasagne.
Peter looked over at Tony, who shrugged his shoulders.
"Why not." he said.
Peter grinned from ear to ear. He was going to have a nerf war with the avengers!!

After lunch they all decided their teams.
On the first team they had Clint, Natasha, Steve, Bucky and Peter.
On the second team they had Tony, Sam, Thor, Vision and Scott.
Tony had wanted to be on the same team as Peter, but Clint had got to him first. Bruce stayed downstairs in his lab, with the doors locked. He didn't want the other guy coming out.

And so it began. Peter, Natasha and Clint went one way, and Steve and bucky went the other way.
Natasha, Peter and Clint ran into Scott, and obliterated him quickly.
If you got shot you had to go to the gym, so Scott sadly walked off while the trio high fived.

They played several rounds, but what they didn't know was that Loki was watching. He had been on the loose for little over a year now, and he decided to play a prank on the avengers. But Loki's version of a prank was turning into a snake and stabbing thor.
He had the perfect prank, he was going to replace the fake, plastic bullets for real ones.

It was their fifth round, and nobody wanted to stop now. They were tied, team one had won twice, and team two had won twice.
This was the decider.
The fight had moved to the gym now, they had mats and other various gym equipment propped up to make barricades, and the ones who were shot cheered them on.

On the first team, only Natasha, Steve and Peter remained.
And in the second team, only Tony and vision remained.
Vision snuck up behind Steve, and shot him in the stomach.
"Not cool bro, not cool." Steve groaned, wincing as memories came flooding back of when Bucky shot him.

Vision shrugged, only to be shot from behind by Nat.
Now it was Nat and Peter against Tony.

Nat was an assassin, so she was the most difficult to shoot, and Peter kept webbing away, bullets barely skinning his side. They were both used to dodging bullets.

It was now however, that Loki put his plan into action.
It was also now that Peter ran out of bullets.
Knowing he needed to reload, he unstuck himself from the ceiling and began scooping up bullets from the floor.
He peered closer at a plastic bullet in his hand, only it wasn't plastic.
His eyes widened with shock.
"Guys! Somethings happened!" he shouted, but he was cut off by Tony running round the corner and shooting him in the stomach.

Pain ripped through Peter as he looked down at the now bloody patch on his torso.
Tony roared triumphantly, now he had take down Natasha.
He turned around to see a horrifying sight, Peter was lying on the floor, blood pooling around him.
Natasha was quickly at his side, putting pressure on the wound and shouting for the others.
Tony just stood there in shock.
He had just shot his son.

You know what? I honestly can't be bothered to finish this. I might do a part 2 but right now I am tired af and i want to sleep.

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