Field Trip To SI // Part 1

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Warning: swearing, Flash being a dick

Peter Parker was having a great day.
He had totally aced his biology quiz, he worked on some tech with Ned, he managed to get out of gym because one of the teachers needed help with some marking for the younger students, the dinner lady gave him some extra pudding because he was always nice to her, and he had avoided being taunted by Flash all day.

Now it was last period and Peter couldn't wait to get out of school,
After the avengers' civil war, Tony Stark had let Peter become his personal intern, and Peter was coming to work in the lab with him today.
Finally the clock showed 5 minutes until the bell rang and everyone began packing up.
"Hold on! Hold on!" Mr Harrington shouted, "I have a very special announcement to make! Next Friday we will be going on a field trip to the one and only stark industries! Make sure to pick a permission slip on the way out and bring it back signed before next Wednesday."
The class erupted into excited chattering, but Peter just slumped.

" This is so cool dude! Like the Avengers tower! And you work there already! I wonder if anyone will recognize you, " Ned spluttered excitedly, Peter groaned.
"Only Parker luck would let this happen, if Mr Stark finds out he'll so embarrass me!"
"Yo, Penis Parker ready to get exposed!" Flash shouted as he ran past them, waving his permission slip at anyone passing by. Flash was self absorbed and ignorant, and he made Peter's life a living hell, but Peter knew he could beat him up easily, and Flash just taunted him, it wasn't anything physical. So it wasn't bullying, right?


In the lab, Tony saw that Peter was quieter than usual, so he tried to strike up a conversation.
"Was school good?"
"Um yea it was alright - I had a biology quiz" Peter answered.
"Do you think you did well?"
"Yea, it was easy,"
And then the conversation dropped and they both continued with work silently, well, with AC/DC blaring out the speakers.


After work, Happy took Peter home, where aunt May ordered Chinese, as she had almost burnt the kitchen down, again.
"So I got an email from school," May started, "It was a reminder to sign a permission slip for a trip to Stark Industries?"

Peter choked on his noodles.

"Were you planning on keeping this from me Peter? I know you intern there but it will be a good opportunity to see the tower properly."
Aunt May looked hurt, and Peter shrunk into himself.
"Please don't make me go, May,"
"No. You're going. And that's final." she snapped, taking him by surprise.
They finished the meal in silence, and before retreating to his room May handed him the signed slip and proceded to wash up.


The next week sped by, and before Peter knew it, it was Friday.
He boarded the school bus and sat down next to Ned and MJ, who decided to sketch him for the entire ride. Flash was sat at the back with his gang, and they thought it would be funny to roll up bits of paper and throw them at the 3 friends heads'.
Mr Harrington had taken Peter aside earlier in the week and asked him to fess up, that he didn't have an internship, and it would be better to get the truth out of the way now. But Peter couldn't, because he was telling the truth. So Mr Harrington just gave him a grudging look.

As the bus pulled up to the tower, there were many amazed gasps, but Peter had seen this view thousands of times before, so he wasn't even remotely surprised.
The class walked inside and were greeted by a friendly looking intern called Grace. When she saw Peter she waved - they saw each other often as she was often doing lots of different odd jobs.
Flash saw this and he was furious, but even he knew better than to insult him in front of a whole tower.
"Hi everyone, I'm Grace! I'm going to be directing your tour today, we have an amazing schedule ahead of us full of fun activities, and even better, Mr Stark is inspecting the lower labs today so we might see him!" This caused ripples of excitement, everyone knew who Tony Stark is.
Peter just internally screamed, the odds were very much against him today.
Grace began by handing out the visitor passes, she stopped at Peter.
"You have your pass don't you Peter? " she asked. Peter nodded and fumbled around in his pockets and brought out a gold pass that said, 'Peter Benjamin Parker, level 10 access' His classmates quickly realised that their passes said level 1, and the chart on the wall showed that level 10 was.......Tony Starks personal lab?
They all scanned their passes no problem, FRIDAY surprised them, but Grace quickly explained that she was Tony Starks A.I, which earned alot of "cool!" s and "wow that's awesome!" s
However when Peter came to scan his pass, FRIDAY said, "welcome back Peter, alerting boss of your arrival,"
"No no no no no no no! Don't tell Mr Stark I'm here please FRIDAY!"
But it was too late. Mr Stark was probably now wondering what he was doing at the tower when he was supposed to be at school.
"Um, FRIDAY please tell Mr Stark im on a school trip,"
"Right away sir," FRIDAY replied.
Peter let out a sigh of relief, hopefully Mr Stark had better things to do than embarrass Peter.
Turning around, Peter realised that his whole class was staring at him curiously, and slightly amazed that Peter knew the boss of SI.
But Flash was taking none of it. He glared at him and mouthed 'You're in for it Penis Parker'.

A/N : so this is part 1! I imagine that flash wouldn't really do physical bullying, he would just taunt, basing this off the film. Please give me feedback and see ya next time!

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