Peter Gets Shot

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TW: blood, swearing

Peter Parker AKA spiderman was out on patrol.
Nothing very exciting had happened so far, he had helped out a group of old ladies going to a yoga class, he had stopped a petty thief from stealing some gummy bears and he had stopped some drug dealers, but it was all very quick and boring.
He decided to retreat to the roof of Delmars, and watched the city.

Suddenly he heard a scream, finally something interesting.
He swung to an alleyway where three men were trying to mug a young girl, he quickly recognised the girl as the daughter of a millionaire.
Peter silently crawled down the wall behind the men, and cleared his throat.
"Ahem," the men spun around and scowled. "You know mugging a child is illegal right? Mugging anyone is illegal actually - so I suggest you come over quietly and I'll let the police take you away."
"Quietly my ass!" one of the men spat, and tried to punch the young superhero.
Peter blocked his punch and webbed him to the wall, the girl took the opportunity to wrench herself free and run out of the alley.
So now it was just spiderman and the two remaining men.
"You little shit! She got away!" the second man hissed, and lunged at Peter.
"Not so fast!" Peter laughed, and webbed his feet, so he fell over stupidly.
Now it was just the third man, and he looked pissed. They engaged in hand to hand combat, but it was evident that the man was losing, so in a last effort to get away, he took out a pistol and fired a shot into Peter's side.
Peter stumbled back in surprise, and the man took his chance to get away, and sprinted out of the alley.

Peter cursed and swung to a rooftop where he assessed the damage.
There was a lot of blood, and despite being a superhero, Peter hated blood.
The pain set in and it overwhelmed him. His body tried to heal itself but with the bullet still in him it just caused him more pain.
He gagged as he watched his blood pour out. His hands were stained crimson as he tried to stop the bleeding.
Now Peter wasn't stupid, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to heal without immediate medical attention, so he asked Karen to call Mr Stark.
"Hey kid, this better be important," Tony Starks voice came from the phone.
"H-hey Mr Stark, um i like, kinda got stabbed, and there's a lot of blood - and um I can't really go to hospital cause of my spider stuff and um yea, b-but you don't have to help! Im sure I'll be fine, I-I'm just gonna take a nap,"
"Woah Woah Woah! I'm coming just hold on! And stay awake! FRIDAY give me Peter's location," Tony frantically replied, the worry evident in his voice. "I'm on my way you've just gotta keep awake, keep talking to me,"
Tony kept talking to Peter, while he zoomed in his iron man suit, he made it to Peter in record breaking time, but his heart stopped when he saw him.
Peter was surrounded by blood, the phone in his hand was barely recognizable with all the blood stains.
Tony quickly stepped out of his suit, holding the teen in his arms.
"Oh h-hi," Peter slurred.
Tony shushed him and asked Karen for his vitals.
"Peter has a gunshot wound in his left side, and it has ripped through one of his vital organs, if he does not get immediate medical attention he will most likely die."
Tony took a deep breath, and bundeled the boy in his arms.


Peter woke up in a foreign bed. But it was comfortable. He looked around and saw he was in a hospital room.
He began to panic - why was he in the hospital? What if they found out his secret?
Then he heard a soothing voice, it was.... Dr Banner? Aka The Hulk?
"Calm down Peter, take deep breaths can you do that for me?"  Peter nodded and copied Bruce, taking deep, shaking breaths.
"That's good, that's good, now I need you to listen to me Peter. You were shot, it punctured the bottom of your lung, you were in a critical condition when you arrived. We had to put you in a medical induced coma."
The last part confused Peter.
"W-what? For how long?"
"Well it's Thursday today," Bruce replied.
Thursday. Thursday. It was Monday when he got shot.
He began to panic again, but Bruce quickly stepped in.
"Your aunt was alerted, she's worried of course, but you can see her this afternoon. Tony on the other hand, he was very worried. He barely left your bedside when you came out of surgery."
"C-can I see Tony?" Peter asked, as he trembled slightly. He had been in a coma for 3 days.
Bruce said sure, and Tony was brought in.
When he saw Peter awake he rushed over and engulfed him in a hug.
Peter hugged him back awkwardly.
"I was so worried Pete - when I saw you lying there, i-I thought you were dead!"
Peter had been shown a new part of Tony that day, the insecure, caring and worried Tony. And Peter felt blessed that Tony had opened up like that. It was true that Peter saw Tony as a father figure, and today he saw that Tony thought of him like a son.
And this relationship came with perks, Peters phone had pretty much drowned in his blood, so Tony gave him a brand new Stark phone, the latest version of course.

He was released later that day, he was almost completely healed, only an impressive surgery scar was left.
When aunt May saw him they sprinted and hugged each other tightly.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again she said.
And Peter promised he would be more careful on patrol.

Meanwhile Tony was aggressively trying to find out who shot Peter, and when he found out who did it........
Let's just say he didn't return home that night.

A/N: so um this happened.

Word count : 1034

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