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Peter Parker never saw why people loved caffeine so much. It smelled disgusting, and it looked like puddle water.
But his mentor, Tony Stark, practically lived on caffeine, so Peter decided now was the time to try it.

He headed down to a local Starbucks and ordered the same coffee Tony always got.
He nervously waited for his order, wondering if this was a good idea.
Mr Stark said he had coffee to keep him awake, and it gave him energy.
Well it shouldn't be a problem, he was going out as spiderman later so he would need energy.

Finally a pretty waitress handed him a coffee, and gave a little wave as she left his table.
Peter looked at the coffee, and taking a deep breath, he took a sip.
Suddenly all his senses went haywire. He felt fireworks bursting in his head.
He gave a war cry and downed the rest of the coffee.
He ignored the strange stares he got and ordered five more coffees.


Tony was working in his lab when Peter burst in.
He looked precariously wobbly and his eyes were glazed and unfocused.
"Mr Stark hiiii! I had coffee! I really like coffee! I feel like I'm gonna burst!!!"
Tony panicked and tried to stop the boy, who was jumping up the walls.
He was now trying to web him up, Tony suspected he had no idea what he was doing, so he shouted for Clint to come to the lab with some sedation darts.
Clint sprinted to the lab but stopped short when he saw Peter on the ceiling, shaking uncontrollably with Tony webbed up in the corner.
"He had way too much caffeine Clint! Sedate him until we can find a solution! Please!"
Clint didn't even have time to mount his arrow/dart thing before Peter was shooting him with webs.
He dodged and rolled under a table, he managed set his dart in his arrow and aimed at Peter.
He felt very guilty when he saw the dart hit Peter in the shoulder.
He froze, and swayed, then he fell off the ceiling and formed an unconscious heap on the floor.
Clint cut Tony free, then they both rushed over to the sleeping boy.


Later, Tony, Clint and Bruce were standing over a bed in the medbay, waiting for Peter to wake up.
Bruce had concluded that the caffeine combined with his powers had given him an enormous energy burst and It would take about 3 days to fully recover.

Well it did take Peter 3 days to recover, and he had to miss the 3 days off school.
Let's just say Peter was banned from having coffee ever again.

A/N: I don't know what this is.
I got the idea from another creator, but I can't remember what they are called

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