Back To School

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I went back to [online] school this week and ugh I hate it. I literally did nothing for the full two weeks of the Christmas holidays.

Anyways.... On with the Oneshot.


Peter had had a great Christmas holiday. In order to keep Peter safe, May had asked Tony to look after him as she had to treat covid patients in the hospital.
So Peter spent the two weeks off hanging out with the avengers, being spiderman and quoting vines.

But alas, all good things come to an end. And Peter had to go back to school.
He had to face Flash and his endless teasing.
He had to deal with mountains of homework.
He had to pull countless all nighters to revise for his tests.
And he had to be babysitted by happy because the avengers were on a 3 month mission in Amsterdam.

Even worse, the night before school started again, he realised that he had three piles of homework he hadn't touched.

The next morning her overslept [I literally overslept on my first day back and had to do my first two lessons in my pajamas] so Peter had to shove some toast in his mouth, grab his bag and stuff his books in.

Even worse, when he got to school he realised that he had forgotten his algebra book, so he was given detention.

Then he was given another detention for being out without a hall pass.

It turned out MJ was ill, so he had to bare through flashes endless torture.

At lunchtime him and Ned sat alone.
Ned asked him a few questions about how his Christmas holidays were, but peter just gave muffled responses.

In spanish Peter got his test results back - he got 67%.
Which in Peters eyes, was a terrible mark.

When the bell finally rang signalling the end of school he raced out, he didn't even wait for Ned.

He changed into his spiderman suit in an alleyway and did some patrol.

In patrol he got shot.

So when Peter flipped through the window of the avengers tower (which was made specially for him) dripping blood out a hole in his torso, Happy was just a tad worried.

Luckily, the doctors in the medbay were amazing and Peter was just given bedrest until he healed.

When Happy asked how his day was he just grunted.

"I don't think I want to go to school anymore," Peter mumbled.
"And whys that?" Happy responded.
"I don't like it. Plus I know everything already."
"I think you don't have a choice, bud.
If you want, i can help you with your schoolwork?"
"No, I'm good."

And so Peter still had to go to school, which he hated. But he got his education so that was good.

AHHHH I don't know what this is. I might treat yall to a double update just cause this is CRAP. Anyways Plz remember to comment and like!
(also this update is two days early but I can't be bothered to wait until Saturday.)

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