Life In The Land Of Orange

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A/N I'm back! I wrote this for my irondad secret santa on Instagram.
Sorry for not posting much hehe, I've kind of transitioned to ao3, but if I write something I'll always post it on here as well.

Morgan Stark was 5 years old. Her birthday was a month ago, and the daughter of Tony Stark was very proud of her age.
She was also very mature - for a four year old.
She was already learning basic maths such as dividision and multiplication, and Pepper was certain that she would take after her father and do something science-y for university.

But Morgan Stark also knew when to comfort her father - and when to give him some time to himself.
She didn't know what happened before she was born, but it had to be something bad.
Otherwise her father wouldn't sit in the same place for hours, clutching an empty mug of coffee, staring into space.
He would spend entire days in bed, and Morgan would often see him tearing up, looking at a photograph.

The photograph in question was off limits to Morgan, but once when her father was asleep upstairs and her mother wasn't home, she stood on the countertop and reached for the photograph.
It was of her Dad - and a boy. He looked young, they were holding a certificate, Morgan traced the word stark with her finger. It was the only word she could make out, the other saying something around the lines of in-ts-ip.
Despite being a little genius, she wasn't in school yet, and nobody would teach her to read. She had figured out what little words she could by herself.

Her dad looked happy in the picture. The kind of happy that she didn't see him displaying very often.
Morgan didn't need to guess that he was gone. Her dad's behaviour had already proven that.

Sighing, she placed the photograph back where it belonged and climbed down from the countertop. She never inquired about who the boy was, however much she was tempted. She just made sure to give her dad lots of extra hugs and kisses.


Morgan was climbing a tree. She was getting good at it, being in the middle of a forest and all.
She reached for the top branch, briefly letting go of the tree, lunging up to grab it -
And she did.

Giggling, she started to move her feet upwards.
And then the top branch snapped.
Before she could breathe, blink, gasp or scream - she was tumbling towards the ground.
As the grass got closer and closer, Morgan shut her eyes and shrieked.
And then everything went black.


"Hey, kiddo. Are you alright?"
Morgan slowly regained consciousness, blinking several times as a strange orange light assaulted her senses.
"You with us? Well, it's just me actually. You with me? I don't know your name so I'm just gonna call you kiddo for the moment. Don't try to speak, just let yourself adjust for a minute. Or five minutes. Or ten, it's not like we're going anywhere."
Morgan frowned, the voice belonged to a boy, his voice hadn't broken yet so he must be young. She gave a small smile when he called her 'kiddo'. That was what her daddy called her.
Suddenly her eyes shot open.
It couldn't be - him could it? Maybe a younger version of her father had been teleported in this strange orange land with her.
"Woah there! Careful! You'll make yourself sick if you get up so quickly!"

Morgan did feel a tiny bit sick, but that was beside the point. She let her eyes focus on the boy in front of her, and let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't her dad. The baby-faced boy did give her a pang of familiarity though, she just couldn't place it.

"W-who are you?"
He made a face.
"I should be asking you the same thing. I was enjoying my eternal rest in the land of orange."
"It looks boring."
The boy made a shocked face and pouted.
"You mean you don't like endless land that doesn't lead anywhere, with barely anything, where you just sit around all day doing nothing? Honestly, you should be ashamed of yourself."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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