02 good gracious (M)

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"Are you ready for tonight, Y/N?"

I glared at my brother annoyingly. Does he need to remind me about it? I huffed a long sigh, resting my back fully on the sofa.


"So have you decided?"

"About what?"

"Wait, did Johnny tell you about it?"

My mouth turn into an 'O' shape, " Ouh that. I already forget about it, sorry. Lets just cancel it."

"Seriously I'm gonna smack your ass like I did to Mark."

"Ew Taeil what the freak?! I just don't know when okay? I have been really busy with work these days. It was a pain in the ass. I had a hard time to schedule my own life. And I'm too depressed to even think about it!"

"Okay enough with your 'busy these days'. You are coming with me this Friday. Wear something good, I will pick you up. I'm seriously gonna smack you, no cap this time."


"No but."


"No, I'm not ready to be honest. I don't have any mood to go there in a first place," I covered my eyes with my hand- letting all my vision went pitch black.

I would have rejected Taeil's offer awfully, if it was not Taeil. But its Moon Taeil I'm talking about. No one will dare to disagree him.

"You should go there tonight. I guarantee you will have fun." Johnny send a sly grin while raising his brows repeatedly. I look at him in disbelief.

"Seriously what's the point of sending me there anyways?" I whined throwing my hands in the air like crazy.

He simply shrugged, "To get you drunk and forgot all the misery you felt."

"But I already done that before! I went drunk right after the night!"

"BUT did you forget about him?"

I paused, not wanting to continue this pointless argument. Good thing that mom wasn't home at the moment or else she would have nagged us for being this loud.

Don't get me wrong, I actually liked this idea. It's been a while since I got engaged with Jaehyun. I was busy growing love with him back in the dreamy days. I guess having fun now will heal my broken heart and like Johnny said, learn how to keep living my life.

"I don't know. I just can't."

Johnny lay his back on the sofa making a loud thump, "I know it was hard for you. That's why we think this is the solution."

"Get drunk and get fucked by some random guy?"

"Not get fucked, but falling in love," Fell in love? Sounds easy to do. "I will kill someone who rape you randomly." I snorted, as if Jaehyun never done that to me, which is not a rape.

Couldn't help myself, I rolled my eyes dramatically, "It's not easy as you think. Like, how the hell it will happen? Bump into some random guy and fell in love at the first sight? And then we got married the day after? Life is not easy as romantic novel stories!" I retorted.

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