10 fly out (M)

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(Chapter chittaphon. Sorry i just had to)

It's unbelievable by how peaceful the morning was. Too peaceful, so hard to wake up and get ready for the morning. There's nothing they need to worry about. Just comfort and warm by each other sides, having a sweet dream where nightmares was succesfully captured.

The younger snuggled closer to the older's neck, wrapping her arm around his waist tightly. Kun did nothing and just let the girl hugged him like a teddy bear. If they woke up they did be blushing and all but they were too deep in sleep to even realize what's happening.

And that's exactly when they woke up.


The voice was too loud making the two poor souls awaken from their good sleep almost immediately. Y/N's head raised in quick motion causing her head to hit Kun's chin real hard. Kun quickly hissed in pain as he stirred in his sleep.

"Oh my god- Kun I'm sorry!" The girl got up, panicked not knowing what to do.

Kun rubbed his chin softly, hissing in pain. "I-its fine. Who the heck screamed tho?" He ask sounded irritated.

Y/N glared at the man who screamed earlier.

"Taeil! What the heck you doing man!?"

"Waking you two up."

"You could have done it nicely?"

Taeil rolled his eyes, feeling ridiculous. "I can't just approach you two being lovey dovey there. I might be single but I know I shouldn't disturb a couple hugging. Especially on bed."

The explanation made Y/N's face to heat. We were hugging for the whole night!?

Y/N look at her partner who is still stirred in his sleep while rubbing his eyes lazily. She thought the sight was very adorable she could just coo at him and baby-ing him there all day. His black hair stood everywhere on the air and his face was so puffed making his cheek look so chubby.

It is indeed the cutest sight to see in early in the morning.

Taeil then suddenly let out a loud sigh.

"My single heart can't take this. I will wait in the kitchen." He quickly wave at the two love birds and slammed the door behind.

What a blocker.

"Good morning Y/N." The sweet raspy voice greeted softly.

"Good morning too Kun. Did you had a good sleep?"

The man nodded to the question, reaching his hand to the younger one's head. "Yes, of course I did. Thanks to your hug I feel so warm." He chuckled then ruffled the already messy hair. Y/N's face are too pink-ish for her skin right now.

"I d-didn't notice." She stuttered not looking at the man.

"I'm not complaining. And how about you? Did you had a good sleep?"

Y/N nodded in confirmation making Kun smiled at the info. He suddenly had the urge to give the younger a peck and he did. The peck on her lips was a surprise and quick- Y/N had no chance to react. She covered her mouth, eyes wide open.

"W-what was that for?" She mumbled against her palm.

A dimpled smile formed on the man's face.

"That's a morning kiss and we will do it more often."


"I thought you were sleeping in the guest room."

Mrs. Seo pointed out as she placed the plates on the table, preparing for their breakfast.

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