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"So, where's your real girlfriend?" Callie asks as we cross the street and step onto the sidewalk.

It takes me a minute to realize who she's referring to. "Who? Danielle?"

"I guess so. Blondie from the diner." She shrugs and looks down at her shoes.

"She's not actually my girlfriend, I was going along with your charade. "

Her head whips in my direction as she smirks. "Ah, so you did play along. Damn, you got me good."

"We're just friends." I quickly add.

"Friends who see each other naked?" She asks casually, as if asking about the weather. I swear this girl has no filter.

"How is that any of your business?" I turn to raise an eyebrow up at her.

"I'm just making conversation. Relax, Gray Bae." She says with an innocent tone.

"No, we don't see each other naked. She's the only other person I knew in this town when I moved here."

"You said you get human contact, I assumed it was from her."

"Nope, it's not like that with Danielle." I state.

"If not her, then who?" I can see another smirk forming on her lips, which amuses me.

"Not you. I already told you I'm not having sex with you." I remind her.

"Do you think about having sex with me often? You sure bring it up a lot."

My cheeks heat up as I stare straight ahead. Callie's not exactly hard up for male attention, but if she's not trying to hook up, then what is she doing with me?

She could be with any guy she wants, but she's walking me across town so I can change my shirt. I don't know what her intentions are. This girl is very confusing.

"So, what exactly are you doing here?" She changes the subject, which I'm grateful for.

"Meaning in Newfield? Ethan and I used to come here every summer. My mom absolutely loved this town. It was her favorite place in the world."

"Really? In the entire world, Newfield is her favorite?" She seems shocked by my words.

"Yeah, she loved small towns. She always said it was a great way to step back and enjoy the small moments life has to offer."

"She seems like a wise woman. I jump at the chance to leave." Callie's statement has an underlying tone to it. She says it with a small hint of hatred to her voice.

"Any reason why?" I turn to look at her through the darkness.

"Past trauma, daddy issues, the whole nine yards." A sharp breath escapes her lips as we continue to walk forward. I can there's more to it than she's leading on.

"I know a thing or two about daddy issues." I mumble under my breath.

My father probably takes the cake for not caring about his children. Hell, he's in Texas right now living a life with some woman he barely knows. He doesn't care what Ethan and I are up to. I haven't spoken to him since the move.

"Many people do, which is the sad part. That's just the way life is."

"Do you live around here?" I ask, wanting to get off this heavy subject.

"Yeah, not too far. Everyone is pretty close to each other. Another thing I hate about this town." She nods her head.

Once we arrive at my apartment complex, I pull my keys out of my back pocket. Good thing I remembered and didn't leave them in Dexter's car.

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