thirty two

188 19 7


It's been a week since my childhood home burnt down to the ground. A lot of things are changing, I can feel the shift every time I wake up to an empty apartment.

Ethan sleeps at the hospital and practically lives there now. It gives me some time to myself, but I hate that nobody is allowing me to see Grayson.

Our relationship is hanging on by a thread. I think Ethan is protecting him from me, which says a lot. His brother is still in recovery because of my past. Even if he's getting better it still doesn't change the hell he's going through.

I don't know why I stay in the apartment all alone. I guess it gives me a sense of familiar comfort. It reminds me of a time when things were okay.

When my world wasn't so screwed up. It was nice to pretend I was living a normal, happy life.

I had myself fooled for a while. Until reality came and slapped me across the face. I'll never be happy, even with Jason gone. The sins of my past will always catch up to me.

Sick and tired of the silence, I get up from my spot on the couch and barge into Grayson's room. His mother's jacket has been untouched for a week. I know it will give him strength.

Putting it on, I feel a sense of relief. Then, I grab my belongings and head over to the hospital. Ethan can't keep me from seeing my boyfriend, no matter how painful it will be.

A part of me knows the truth hurts like a bitch. But I can't bear hurting Grayson anymore.

Maggie and Mark want me to move in with them, and I'm considering it. The apartment isn't mine and I feel like I've overstayed my welcome.

As I'm walking down to my car, I stop when I see Caden leaning against it. His tall frame is relaxed and his arms are crossed over his chest.

My cheeks heat in anger as I march toward him. I have no clue what he wants, but his presence is unwanted.

"Get the fuck off my car." I snap at him.

"Sorry to hear about your boyfriend." He says in an emotionless voice.

"No, you're not." My eyes roll as I scoff.

"Heard you're a big time hero around Newfield now."

He isn't wrong. Every news anchor in a fifteen mile radius wants to interview me. I'm the brave girl who ran into a burning house to save a loved one.

A bunch of college students what to do a story on me for their dumb little newspaper club. I haven't responded to any request. I guess any press is good press, but still. I don't need my name out there for everyone to read about.

"I am." I stand up straight and look him dead in the eye. "What the fuck do you want?"

"You." He says honestly.

A humorless laugh escapes my mouth. "You need help."

"I did a lot for you, Callie. I want you to give me another shot."

"I wouldn't date you if we were the last two people on the planet." I eye him, thinking back to his words at Danielle's party. "How did you know about Jason?"

"Ran into him at the convenience store. We had a nice, long chat about you. I knew all about his little plan." A crude smirk forms on his lips. "You're very familiar with my uncle."

"Uncle?" I raise a brow.


My lips flatten as my stomach twists. God, I thought this nightmare couldn't get any worse. "Fuck you."

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