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TW: mention of sexual assault and suicide

"Callie?! Callie!" I rush through the door of my apartment, scaring the crap out of everyone in it.

Ethan, Dexter, and Danielle jump with fear as I run past them without a second glance. My wild eyes frantically look around as I go into my bedroom first. My stomach drops when I see that it's empty.

"What's going on?" Ethan asks while standing in the doorway. I can tell he's confused by my sudden outburst, but I don't care.

"Where is she?!" I yell, glaring at him.

"She's not here, she left about an hour ago."

"And she didn't come back?" I curse under my breath and head for the living room.

"No, why?"

"Is everything okay?" Dexter asks with a worried tone.

"Yeah, what happened?" Dani's eyebrows narrow.

"This is all my fault! I lost her." I begin to panic, running a hand through my damp hair.

"Woah, calm down. Tell us everything." My twin places his hand on my shoulder, but I walk away from him.

"It's too much to explain, all I know is that I fucked everything up. Callie is never going to speak to me again unless I find her and fix this mess. I have no idea where she went."

"I can try calling her." Dexter immediately pulls out his phone and presses a few buttons.

The apartment is silent, until loud ringing fills the room. Danielle reaches down and pulls a device out from under the couch. "Callie left her phone here."

"Fuck!" I yell, gripping on my hair. I can feel my heart pounding rapidly against my chest. I'm pretty sure I'm about to have a heart attack if I don't find her. I need to make sure she's safe.

"Is this the first place you looked?" Ethan questions, trying to calm me down.

"Yes, but I don't know where else she would be. I can try the diner." I know she had the key, maybe she went there.

"Try the convenience store on the corner of Woodbury or the frat house." Danielle suggests.

"Do you think she left town?" Ethan slowly asks.

"All her stuff is here." I look down at her duffle bag and let out a sigh of relief.

My eyes fall onto Dexter, who has his eyebrows furrowed. He finally looks up at me, like a lightbulb went off inside his head. "I think I might know where she is."

"Where?!" I eagerly respond.

"We used to smoke at this abandoned building all the time. We'd climb up to the roof and talk about life. She said she felt safe up there, away from the world. It's next to a greenhouse. She might be there."

"Where is it?"

"Not too far from campus, actually. I can send you the location." He taps a few buttons on his phone.

"Do it now." I say with a stern tone before rushing toward the door.

"Do you want us to come with you?" Danielle stands up.

"Yeah, should we call the cops or something?" Ethan lets out a sigh.

"If I can't find her at the building, then I'll call the police." I gulp, hating that option.

Without waiting for another response, I exit the building and head back out into the rain. I pull up the location that Dexter sent me and speed over to it.

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