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-two months later-

"God, how fucking boring is Hanson's class? I swear she's the worst professor I've ever had." Rocky rolls her eyes while bringing the joint up to her lips.

She deeply inhales and shuts her eyes. Puffing out large amounts of smoke, she passes it my way.

"It's because she's a dinosaur. Seriously, she needs to retire and be put in diapers ASAP." I scoff and take a hit, allowing the weed to fill my senses.

"Callie, I thought you quit smoking?" Kylee says, turning her head as I pass her the joint.

"That lasted two seconds." Rocky laughs while nudging my shoulder.

I lean against the brick wall of the economics building and cross my arms over my black sweater. "Life is tough, Ky. I need something to take the edge off."

"I'm shocked your sister hasn't pulled up to campus in her boyfriend's minivan yet. She definitely knows you're failing all of your classes." Rocky runs a hand through her bright pink hair. She's the only person I know who can pull off that striking color.

"Mark doesn't drive a minivan. It's a station wagon." I point out while holding the joint between my fingers.

"Same fucking thing." She laughs.

"I dodge her calls every chance I get. I think she got the hint and finally gave up. I haven't heard from her in awhile." I pull my phone out of my pocket and scroll through it. No new messages, just as I suspected.

"Well, that's good that she got off your back."

"We have to head inside now." Kylee says while glancing at us.

"I say we ditch again. The old geyser won't know." Rocky suggests.

"I ditched twice last week, I need to show up at least once." I sigh and toss the joint to the ground, stepping on the last remains of it.

"Look at Callie being studious." Kylee giggles as we head into the building.

"Fuck off." I laugh and playfully throw up my middle finger.

As the three of us walk down the hall, I notice some of the guys and girls staring at me. I've been at this school for three years now and I still get judgmental looks.

There's lots of rich, preppy, entitled assholes that attend this university. They don't like it when someone like me comes along and invades their perfect little bubble.

Oh well, I say fuck them. I'm used to them talking shit about me and my friends, anyway.

"Hopefully this class goes by fast so I can change and do my makeup. I want to get to the frat party before everyone shows up and drinks all the good shit." Rocky says while turning to look at me over her shoulder.

"We'll be the first ones there, trust me." I mumble while glancing down at my combat boots.

"Have your essays out and ready, Hanson wants them on her desk before class starts." Kylee opens her backpack and pulls out a stack of stapled papers. My eyebrows furrow at the sight.

"She's the only professor I have that still makes us print out our assignments. She needs to learn what email is. My printer is going to explode because of her." Rocky sighs while opening up her folder and looking down at the typed paper.

"Wait, what essay?" My mouth hangs open as I stare at the assignment in their hand.

"Are you serious?" Kylee's green eyes widen as she looks at me.

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