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This party is a lot bigger than usual, which I didn't think was possible. There's a ton of people dancing, rolling joints, and playing beer pong. It's extremely dark, aside from the black strobe lights that are casting a purple glow around the frat house.

"I spy whiskey shots." Dexter smirks while shouting over the loud music.

We make our way toward the kitchen, passing a bunch of neon-painted bodies. My heart beats rapidly in my chest as my twin and I follow his lead.

Even though we don't drink, we encourage him to get as wasted as he wants. Dexter drinks a lot, so we're usually dragging him out of this house. It's a routine I've become familiar with.

"Did you know this was a black light party?" I ask him while glancing around. I never seem to know about these parties, he's always in the loop. I just tag along.

"Nope, but I'm into it." He shrugs while taking his shot.

"Who knew these frat guys could be creative?" Ethan laughs while scoping out the scene.

I notice a group of girls in the corner are looking at him. He became very popular around here. I still hide in the shadows, not that I mind. I would rather let him be in the spotlight.

"They need to impress these girls somehow." I laugh.

"Are you sure you guys don't want anything to drink?" Dexter asks his usual question.

"I'm good." Ethan declines his offer.

"Same, but if I ever wanted to get drunk, you would be the first person I call." I pat his shoulder, feeling the texture of his leather jacket under my hand.

"That's what I like to hear." He smirks and takes a big gulp of his drink.

"Ethan!" A pretty brunette approaches him, a smile appearing on her plump lips. "There you are. I was hoping you'd show up."

"I wouldn't miss it. How are you?" He smoothly places his hand on her lower back.

"I'm better now." She giggles.

Dexter and I look at each other and jokingly pretend to gag. The two of them go off, leaving us alone.

My eyes wander around the crowded house. I'm getting a weird sense of déjà vu. Usually every party is different, but this one feels oddly familiar. And not in a good way.

The sliding glass door leading to the backyard opens, and I turn my head in that direction. Even in the darkness I can see the silhouette of Callie Spencer.

My heart picks up speed as I take in her outfit. A tight leather skirt is hugging her ass, followed by a black crop top. I've never seen her wear a bright color before.

"Shit." I mutter, causing Dexter to turn his head.

Callie notices us standing in the corner and begins walking over. She's smirking, as usual. I can feel my body beginning to tremble.

"Dexter, hey." She addresses him first.

"Callie Spencer, just the girl I was hoping to see." He pulls her into a tight hug. I should walk away, but my feet stay glued to the ground. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming home?"

"It's a long story, one I don't feel like talking about." She rolls her eyes while taking a sip from her red solo cup.

"I heard you were back for good, is that true?" Dexter keeps his eyes on her.

"Unfortunately." Callie flatly responds. Her eyes shift to me, and she tilts her head to the side. "Hey Gray Bae, miss me?"

"Not even a little." I scoff and look back at her. "And stop calling me that."

tragically beautiful | grayson dolanWhere stories live. Discover now