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Author's Note:

Hello lovelies! Welcome back to all ye who are into this kinky one.




Addison calls Meredith to bail her out of County Jail, and Meredith does. OR: In Which Meredith puts Addison in handcuffs. After Addison's divorce; before Meredith dates Derek again. Lesbian Sex/Smut. Phone Sex. PWP. Very Kinky. Power & Light BDSM. MerAdd. Meddison. Rated E.


When Addison wakes up, she realizes she's encased in Meredith's slender body, and her own body heats up immediately.

Flashes of skin on skin, tongue on thighs, fingers brushing into her tenderest spots cross her consciousness, and Addison shivers in wanton anticipation.

The words that she's wanted to speak to Meredith also flash before her mind, and Addison tries to shove these thoughts away, not wanting to jump the gun on anything with the blonde too soon, too fast, just after she'd divorced her husband of over ten years.

Sure, she's falling harder than she ever has ever before.

Sure, she's had hands-down the greatest night of sex of her life.

Sure, she cannot wait for Meredith to wake up because all she desperately wants is for Dr. Grey to ravage her all over again...

And yet, Addison waits there patiently for Meredith to continue sleeping as she curls back into Meredith's front while she rests again.

Addison feels her body is a bit sore from all the rough sex, and she absolutely can't get enough.

Meredith stirs in a moment, and Addison flips herself around and snuggles into Meredith's neck.

"Morning," says Meredith tenderly.

"Morning," says Addison, rolling her hips subconsciously into Meredith's thigh.

"Mm, someone's horny already," Meredith grins like a Cheshire cat.

"Yes, Meredith I need you," Addison whines.

"I see, let's see what you're up for, huh?" offers Meredith.

"Yes!" Addison nods vigorously. "I want you to fuck me, please," Addison tries.

"Ha! Nice try. Don't be bratty, dear," Meredith husks as she moves away from the bed so she can bring out her grab bag of things again.

"Come back..." Addison whines as Meredith assembles the toys in front of her.

"How about you pick one thing, and I can pick out the rest?" Meredith motions.

"Mmkay," says Addison. "Ooh! Can we try out the necktie?" Addison points to it, thinking that it'll be soft wrapped around her hands and maybe even ankles.

"Sure," says Meredith... And as for me... Meredith slowly picks out an assortment of kink gear and lays it all on display again for Addison to admire.

"Ooh, I'd like to see you wearing leather..." says Addison, admiring it.

"I bet you would," Meredith teases, and Addison turns bright red at that.

"Okay, that or nothing," Addison giggles.

"I see..." Meredith says as she saunters back to Addison to tease her with a longing kiss on her lips.

Addison surges forward, pulling Meredith in with her hands on her back, and parting her lips for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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