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Author's Note:

This one has been really popular.

Wanted to give it a quick update today!

Enjoy the X-Rated pure BDSM ish smut!




Addison calls Meredith to bail her out of County Jail, and Meredith does. OR: In Which Meredith puts Addison in handcuffs. After Addison's divorce; before Meredith dates Derek again. Lesbian Sex/Smut. Phone Sex. PWP. Very Kinky. Power & Light BDSM. MerAdd. Meddison. Rated E.


Addison Montgomery opens her eyes as she comes down from her high.

Her legs are still wrapped around Meredith Grey's neck and Meredith's mouth inches from her still dripping core...

Addison is breathless. She's panting. She can barely breathe, she's still panting.

Addison has been thoroughly fucked out by Meredith Grey.

(Meredith Grey who is now her kinky sex partner who was once Addison's own ex-husband's mistress...)

"How was that?" Meredith smirks at Addison, looking at her expectantly, snapping Addison out of her daze.

"Good," Addison pants out, still gripping onto Meredith like a lifeline.

"Bitch!" Meredith slaps Addison's ass with her palm to let her know that wasn't a good enough answer.

"It was great," Addison offers wealy, as Meredith lays a hand on her again.

"It was amazing!" Addison finally yells, and Meredith finally puts her legs down and tells her, "good girl,".

Addison smiles at the praise and craves that even more.

(Addison loves pleasing the mistress...)

(Though, technically, Meredith isn't even her mistress anymore...)

(More importantly, Meredith isn't HIS mistress anymore...)

"Do you want more, Addison?" Meredith smirks up at her.

"Please," Addison begs, but this time Meredith doesn't just give in easily.

"What did I tell you before, Addison?" Meredith forces the other woman to remember.

"Ah-?" Addison stutters, trying to place exactly her reference.

Addison doesn't get a word in before she can feel Meredith pinching her thighs.

"Fuck!" Addison swears as she feels pain and simultaneously wetness rushing back to her core.

"That's not what I said," Meredith pinches Addison, more.

"I don't remember-" Addison says, because she's so fucked out that she doesn't.

"You know you need to be punished for this, don't you, bitch," Meredith calls Addison names and she groans out at the thought.

"Yes," Addison says.

"Call me Mistress," Meredith pinches Addison harder.

"But you're not anyone's mistress anymore?" Addison questions.

"CALL. ME. MISTRESS." Meredith insists with her eyes black now.

"Yes, Mistress," Addison submits, and she likes the name as it rolls off her tongue.

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