Chapter 1: I GOTTA FEELING...

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CHAPTER 1. For real, it's FULL this time. I promise. ;)

RED is the new BLACK.

Addison calls Meredith to bail her out of County Jail, and Meredith does. OR: In Which Meredith puts Addison in handcuffs. After Addison's divorce; before Meredith dates Derek again. Lesbian Sex/Smut. Phone Sex. PWP. Very Kinky. Power & Light BDSM. MerAdd. Meddison. Rated E. FOR VERY EXPLICIT. If you don't like that, take care of yourself and don't read, no hard feelings. Or stop.


Addison slides her empty ring finger now, over the quarter as she slides it into the payphone.

"You have the right to one phone call and then to remain silent' the C.O tells her gruffly.

Addison dials a familiar number with her index finger now.

(Praying that she doesn't pick up. But praying harder, she does...)

(Why she dialed HER number, Addison hasn't the faintest idea.)

(Perhaps it's another self-destructive quality.)

(Perhaps she reminds her of HIM.)

(No, that last one is wrong. She left him, she JUST left HIM.)

(This is not about HIM. It's not even about ME- Addie at all, for that matter.)

(This is about The Little Miss MEREDITH GREY, and how Addison Montgomery is alone in a JAIL CELL right now.)

(And all she wants to do is to hear the blonde intern's smooth voice speak to her now...)

"Doctor Montgomery...?" Meredith Grey asks in question, hearing her boss's voice. Well, her ex-boyfriend's ex-wife's voice, more pressingly.

"You can call me Addison. You should call me Addison. Because what I'm about to ask of you means we really need to be on a first-name sort of basis...." Addison begins.

"Ok, Addison. Now, are you going to tell me why you're calling me from an unknown number in the middle of the night-"

"After you just shoved your wedding rings into my ex-boyfriend's hands?"

"I CAN keep a secret from you- from my- from DEREK, you know. I promise I won't tell..."

"Well, it appears that I've been... arrested " Addison says, rather sheepishly.

"And let me guess-" Meredith begins without one once of a sigh.

"You need someone there to bail you out without having to explain this to your now ex-husband how-"

"Despite him neglecting you for years in your marriage when you finally left him-"

"You felt so empty and broken inside that you wanted to smash something to ten million pieces..."

"And so you DID?" Meredith sighs at her knowingly.

"How did you-" Addison asks of her rather incredulously.

"Listen, let me just say that I've had this number in my contacts before-" Meredith says to explain that.

"But those are stories from another life and another time." she finishes without another interruption.

"Anyways, so you got arrested I'm guessing? And you're in holding for bail?" Meredith guesses correctly.

"Are you locked up at the County on Fifth street or Seventh?" Meredith asks her, all business, now.

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