The Bat Meets The Cat

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Stephaine:You're betting on it?

Batman:Villians are a suspicious and cowardly group,they're never all alone. Talk later,I still got work to do.

I stopped the call and jumped from the roof I was on,using my cape and boots to fly through the sky. As I flew I noticed a body on a roof,I landed on the roof and put my fingers to the body. The pulse was gone,I scanned his body to see he died to physical trauma. He was beat to death,and it wasn't a normal beating.

Batman:This is Bane's work.

I called Stephaine,waiting for her to pick up.

Stephaine:Guess you were right.

Batman:I wish I was wrong.

Stephaine:Me too.

Batman:Tell Bruce about this,tell him not to send anyone but he needs to know.


As she hung up I heard the door to the roof open,I jumped into the air a d landed on another building,bane walked onto the roof and grabbed the body.

Bane:Would be bad to leave this here,don't want any of those pesky "heros" to see.

He turned around,I landed infront of him and made myself visible.

Batman:You aren't going anywhere,bane.

He threw the body away as he cracked his knuckles,I could see he was smiling.

Bane:Ah,the batman,but your not my batman. You're shorter and smaller,it will be easier to break you.

Batman:I can kick your ass all the same.

Bane:Then come take your kick.

I jumped into the air,flipping in the air,and came down on bane with a kick. He blocked me and grabbed my leg,slamming me into the ground. My body bounced but he didn't let me go,instead he threw me into wall. My body broke through the wall and I could feel the blood leaking out of my mouth. I shot batarangs out of my hands at bane but he knocked them all a way as I stood up,I began to look around to see what I could use. I pulled out a smoke bomb and dropped it on the floor,I used the smoke to rush bane. I attacked him from different angles and finished my combo with a brick to the back of the head,bane fell to the floor and I made sure he was out.

Batman:I'm lucky I got him before he used his venom,I would be dead if he did.

I limped out of the building I was thrown into as I walked away I saw a girl my age in a suit like catwomans.

Batman:Who the hell?

I grappled away and landed on another building,I opened my masks mouth and blood came dropping down to the ground. I looked to my right in the girl in the cat suit was there,I sealed my mask and looked at her.

Batman:You are?

Catwoman:Call me catwoman,you're the new batman?

Batman:I'm the batman,you're not Selina Kyle.

Catwoman:And you're not Bruce Wayne.

She walked up to me and went to touch my face,I grabbed her hand and stared her down.

Batman:No touching the merchandise.

Catwoman:You or the suit?


Catwoman:Catty,I like it.

Batman:Are you a thief,like she was?

She turned around from me and walked away,looking at me as she did.

Catwoman:I'm no hero,that's for sure,well neither are you. Mr.tall,dark,and brooding.

Batman:Please,I don't brood as much as the old man does.

Catwoman:Hmm,well I saw the beating you took from bane. Talk about ouch but you got out fine,why didn't you arrest him right then and there?

Batman:I'm no cop and you're delusional if you think a brick to the back of the head is going to keep bane down long enough for cops or pros to get there. But why are you talking to me?

Catwoman:Hey,my mentor and yours use to be something,I was seeing if you were worth your weight in salt.


Catwoman:I'm serious,who knows,maybe we'll end up like them.

Batman:Don't count on it.

Catwoman:I won't but I'll think about it.

Batman:Well,I'll see ya around,Catwoman.


I jumped off the building and called the batmobile to me,I landed inside it and it took me back to the cave. I parked it and wobbled out,taking the mask off when I was done. Stephaine looked at me and wasn't surprised,she was curious though.

Stephaine:What kicked your ass?

Y/n:He's roughly seven foot and is a super strong drug addict.



Stephaine:Anything else?

Y/n:I met Selina Kyle's successor,she's here in Japan.

Stephaine:You think she's in UA?

Y/n:I wonder,batcomputer,check the UA student database for any first or second years with cat based quirks.

After a few seconds it came up with one result,someone that was too close for coincidence.

Y/n:Catarina Kyle,a foreign student sent from america by her wealthy adoptive mother. Her quirk is called cats grace,she has all the abilities of a cat from the hearing to the flexibility.

Stephaine:Found our kitty,what are you going to do?

Y/n:She talked about how Bruce and Selina were,said we would end up like them.

Stephaine:On and off lovers?

Y/n:May I bring up the name Tim Drake?

Stephaine:Shut it.

Y/n:No,she wants a chase and I'll give her a goddamn chase.

Stephaine:Not with those broken bone your not,lets get you patched up.

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