Fighting A Monster

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Bane charged at me as his goons stayed behind,they knew that bane wouldn't be happy with someone interfering with his fight. I jumped over him and tried to throw a batarang into the tubes that pumped venom into his blood. He turned quickly and smacked the batarang away,he began to walk up to me. He moved slowly to impose fear,I glared at him as I rushed forward.

Stephaine:What are you doing?! You can't fight Bane head on and by yourself!

Batman:I know.

He tried to throw a jab at me but I side stepped it and punched him a few times in the gut,only for it to do nothing,I jumped back as Bane tried to grab me. I shot more batarangs and he smacked them away.

Batman:Tell me,Bane,what is it you're playing at? I know some like you isn't happy working for another person,it doesn't fit you.

Bane:You're right but you won't be getting any information from me,pretender.

He charged at me and I ran at him,I slid under his legs and fired a grapple at his feet. I pulled his legs out from under him and he crashed down onto the concrete,I then began to press down on my gauntlets. I was sending a signal. Bane quickly got back up and began to run at me,I jumped up and landed on his back. I took a batarang out and sliced a tube to his venom pack,he thrashed around threw me off of him. I flipped in the air and landed safely,Bane turned around and walked towards me. He swung tried to bring both his hands down on me but was stopped when Catarina jumped on his back,she slashed at another tube and disconnected it. She jumped off his back and landed next to me.

Catwoman:What would you do without me?


Bane:The Cat.

Catwoman:Nice to meet you,Bane.

Bane was ready to charge again but sirens could be heard,police sirens. Pro heros also surrounded us,I threw down a smoke bomb and I grabbed Catarina by the waist. I grappled us away from the area and landed on a roof,I looked to Catarina as she looked at me.

Catwoman:You're welcome.

Batman:Why were you there?

Catwoman:Easy,I followed you. Didn't want your pretty face to get beat up.

Batman:Have you learned anything?

Catwoman:Sorry,I'm just as clueless as the next person.

She walked closer to me and ran her hand over my shoulder.

Catwoman:You're all healed up?

Batman:I am.

Catwoman:Well,I should be off. Don't like being this close to the pros.

She ran off as someone else dropped next to me,I looked over and saw it was a man with a red mask.

Batman:Red hood.

Red hood:Fake.

Batman:I prefer successor,he picked me after all.

Red hood:Bruce picked you?

I pressed a button on my neck,the mask of the suit began to go down.

Y/n:He did.

He took his mask off as we looked at eachother.

Jason:Why did he pick you?

Y/n:For the same reason he picked everyone else. He gave me a purpose,some where to direct my anger and hate towards the world. He put me in the right direction,down the right path. Why are you here,in Japan?

Jason:Same as you,I would guess. Stop Riddler,permanently.

Y/n:That's not how I do things.

Jason:Because you're just like him. People shouldn't call you a fake,they should call you an exact copy. He made you into him,you're not even yourself. You're just his reflection.

Y/n:I'm fine with that,it doesn't matter to the victim and it doesn't matter to the scum. Batman is Batman,no matter how you look at it.

Jason:I would be better.

Y/n:You would be worse,worse then the criminals you kill.


Y/n:Because you do it to make yourself feel better. To seal up that hole in your heart and it's for that reason you'll never stop. You won't stop because you can't,you're a monster that's trying to be a man.

Jason:You don't know me!

Y/n:I know you better then you think. For the months I trained with the others I learned about the infamous second Robin. The failure. I read all about you,about how you let everyone down with what you are. I'm the reason he chose me and not you. It isn't just because he wanted to give me a chance and a purpose but he didn't want you to ruin his title and everything he built. You couldn't be Batman because you're afraid,you're afraid of The Joker. You're afraid of being helpless. You're afraid of admitting Bruce was right. You're afraid of being wrong.

He threw a punch at me but I dodged his hit and punched him in the gut,I kneed him in the face and he dropped. I stepped over him and brought him up to my face as lighting struck behind me and the rain began to pour.

Y/n:You're afraid you can't be Batman. You're hate me because I'm what you aren't,because you think I'm better. You think you're something people should be afraid of but I'm something criminals should be afraid of. I'm the monster that hunts monsters. I'm the nightmare that haunts the dreams of the villains in the world.

Jason:I can't believe he picked someone like you. You should be down there,with the other monsters. The monsters I'm going to put down like dogs.

Y/n:Sometimes you need a monster. You need something worse then anything that roams the streets at night. It's my job that a kid doesn't have to know what it's like to grow up without a father because he was killed or left out of fear of being killed. It's my job that a kid has a hero to look up to. It's my job to give the people,that aren't helped by pro's,hope. If I'm a monster then I'm the people's monster. I am their justice,I am their night,I am their vengeance! I'm the reason that these criminals breathe easy when that sun comes up,I'm the reason that someone thinks twice before pulling a trigger. I'm the reason that a man chooses to drive away from the child on the sidewalk instead of kidnapping them. I have every petty thug thinking "what if the batman comes for me when I do this?". I AM BATMAN!

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