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I looked over the city, trying to pinpoint the location of the boy. He could have been anywhere.

Stephanie:What do we do when we find him?

Batman:Save him and hunt down Freeze.

Stephanie:Freeze is a strong opponent, one of the most dangerous Bruce ever went against.

Batman:I know. 

Stephanie:Maybe we should leave the kid to the pros, I'm sure they'll find him. We have bigger fish to fry.

Batman:Riddler is working with the league of villains but I still can't piece together how, I'm a pathetic excuse of a successor.

Stephanie:You're doing your best, we could always call Dick or Tim to come help. Maybe even Barbara.

Batman:No, we can handle this.

Stephanie:Yeah, you're right.

Batman:But I'm getting tired.

Stephanie:You haven't slept much since the attack on the camp, your body can only run on caffeine, adrenaline, and willpower for so long. Come back and rest for a bit, you deserve it.

Batman:Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm on my way back.

I called the batmobile and raced back home, I got back to the cave and made the mask on the suit come down.

Y/n:I'm exhausted.

Stephanie:I bet, go get some sleep.

Y/n:Right, thanks. You should probably get some sleep too.

Stephanie:I was thinking the same thing.

I went up to my room and opened the door, I looked into my room to see Catarina in my window.

Catarina:You look exhausted.

Y/n:Thanks for noticing, what are you doing in my house?

Catarina:I wanted to see you, I haven't seen you since the thing with Bane.

Y/n:Did you learn anything?

Catarina:Maybe, rumors going around that a guy called All For One is in charge of the league.

Y/n:Not Riddler?


Y/n:Riddler wasn't leading the league they were partners, the thing with firefly was just a joint project. Damn it, I've been chasing false leads!

Catarina:Hey, hey, calm down. I'm sure it'll all work out, you're Batman.

Y/n:Yeah, I am.

I went over to my bed and sat down, Catarina came and sat next to me.

Catarina:Are you doing alright?

Y/n:Why do you care so much?

Catarina:I don't really know, I just do.

Y/n:Well, are you fine? You must have been at that villain attack at the camp, you didn't get hurt did you?

Catarina:No, I'm just fine. With you there things were alot better. A boy named Midoriya came running back talking about how you saved him. It was hard for me to keep from smiling since I knew you. Hey, lay down.

I did as she asked and she laid down next to me.

Catarina:You're warm, you know that?

Y/n:Not really.

Catarina:Well, you are. So, how'd you meet the big guy?

Y/n:I saw him crash into an alley as he was bleeding pretty badly, I helped him into his car and he took me to the cave. After that he started to train me.

Catarina:This must have been when everyone thought he was dead.

Y/n:Yeah, it was.

Catarina:Does this scare you?

Y/n:The cuddling?

Catarina:No! The job, being Batman.

Y/n:Yeah, it does but it also makes me feel invincible. I feel like I can do anything because I know I'm keeping people safe, I kinda imagine this is how soldiers feel.

Catarina:At least you're not totally insane.

Y/n:Hey, can I ask you something?


Y/n:How did you find this place?

Catarina:Simple, I called my mom and she asked Bruce.

Y/n:And he just told her.

Catarina:They were lovers, he trusts her. You know, I remember the first time she took me to Wayne manor.

Y/n:You've been to the manor?

Catarina:Of course I have.

Y/n:What was it like?

Catarina:Well, I don't know how things were when you went but when I did Bruce was a rare sight. He was always in the cave working on something when we went over.

Y/n:Yep, that's Bruce.

We sat there in silence for a few seconds, it was nice but also awkward.

Y/n:I don't know if I'm cut out for this.

Catarina:What do you mean?

Y/n:I mean, I'm not Bruce and I'm not as good as he is. Compared to him I'm exactly what all the villains think I am, a fake, a pretender, a fraud. I know I'm Batman but I'm not The Batman, I'm just some punk from the streets of Gotham.

Catarina:Y/n, of course you're not Bruce. He's an old man that's been doing longer then either of us have been alive, since he was a young guy. He has literal decades of experience and you're still new, you're allowed to make mistakes and you're allowed to fail. But you won't fail.

Y/n:What makes you so sure?

Catarina:I don't know, maybe just a feeling I have. Maybe it's because I've seen what you can do, maybe it's because I've seen the fear you put into the bad guys.

Y/n:You mean that Bruce put in them?

Catarina:Nope, I mean you. You're all the criminals talk about, how they don't want to get caught by the *new* Batman. They're scared of you.


Catarina:Yep, they saw what you did to Riddler's guy, how you went toe to toe with Bane, what you did to firefly. They know you're no joke.

She stood up and went towards the window, a smile on her face.

Catarina:You've got this and I'm here to help. See you later, Batman.

She jumped out of the window and I walked over to close it, I went to sleep for the rest of the night but when I woke up alot of things had happened. Allmight had a fight with a villain called All for One and was forced into retirement, the kid that was kidnapped also got saved. I talked with Stephanie about it the next day.

Stephanie:This sucks, with Allmight gone crime is going to go way up.

Y/n:That might help us. New criminals will be looking for a place to start, with either Riddler or the Leauge. For now though, we focus on finding the ice man.

Stephaine:You have any ideas?

Y/n:We have a general location and we know freeze has to be kept in sub-zero conditions, we just have to find the coldest place around. Shouldn't be too hard.

It was after that I heard a motorcycle riding in from behind me, I turned around to see Dick riding in. He jumped off and began to walk towards me.

Dick:How's it going?

Y/n:What are you doing here Dick?

Dick:Bruce sent me.

Y/n:But I said-

Dick:He decided it was too dangerous, you're still new. Let me lend a hand.

Y/n:*Sigh* Fine, let's catch you up to speed.

Stephaine and I began to explain everything to Dick, if he was going to help he needed to know everything.

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