Gone Camping

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I was driving the batmobile to the camp that UA owned, Steph had told me that there was a villain attack on the kids at the camp and I immediately took off. When I arrived the surrounding forest was being burned down and a purple smoke flooded the area that wasn't light on fire. I jumped into the smoke and my built in gas mask was keeping the gas at bay, I ran through the gas and found the guy responsible for the gas. I began to walk towards the high school boy as he turned around and shot at me, the bullet made contact with my chest but didn't do anything against the bulletproof armor.

Batman:You've made a mistake.

I dashed at him and grabbed the gun, I spun his arm around and he ended up on his knees with my hand pressed against his elbow.

Batman:With just a bit of pressure I can shatter your elbow, if I were you, I would talk before it comes down to that.

Mustard:You're not a real hero, you can't do anything to me!

I broke his arm without a second thought.

Batman:That's just one of the many bones you have left to break.

I picked him up by the collar and held him infront of me.

Batman:Chose not to talk and passing out from the pain will be the most pleasant thing that happens to you tonight.

Mustard:Okay, okay! I'm sorry! I'm here with Shigaraki, he said I could continue stains legacy!

Batman:You chose the wrong man in a mask to look up to.

I knocked him out with a heavy punch to the face before throwing him to the ground and running into the forest. I found moonfish, an escape cannibal that was on death row, stalking around the forest using his teeth quirk to keep him in the air. I threw a batarang and the teeth keeping him up shattered, he began to fall and I jumped across to punch him across the face on his descent.

Stephaine:Not going to interrogate the cannibal?

Batman:Moonfish isn't much more then a rabid animal looking for it's next meal, I'm surprised the L.O.V actually managed to get him to cooperate.

Stephaine:Probably promised him a feast.

Batman:He won't be feasting anymore.

Stephaine:Somethings come up, a student and a little boy are being attacked by a villain with a muscle quirk. Want me to mark it for you?


She did and I went off to help, I jumped through the trees and used my rocket boots when I came up to the cliff side. When I reached the top my shadow was casted over the muscle villain. He looked up at me only to be met with a boot to the face, that got him away from the student and the boy.

Midoriya:No way, it's Batman.

Batman:Get the boy away from here, you've done enough.

Midoriya:What about you?

Batman:I was trained for this.

I rushed at the villain and jumped behind him, I threw three explosive batarangs into his back and they blew up in a chain reaction. He turned around and tried to swing a punch at me but missed, I wrapped his fists up in wired batarang before jumped on his back.

Batman:This wire is strong enough to hold Bane, don't think you're getting out of it easily.

We struggled for awhile before I pulled out an injection gun and tranquilized him. His body fell to the ground but he was still conscious, I jumped off his back and crouched down to get close to his face.

Batman:Everything you know, now, or I start breaking bones.

Muscular:Alright, you beat me, you earned answers. We were brought here by the guy that runs the League of Villains, Shigaraki.


Muscular:To kidnap some brat, Shigaraki thinks he can turn him into a villain, a powerful one.

Batman:His name?

Muscular:Katsuki Bakugou.

Batman:Thanks, you've earned a reward.

I stomped on his head and knocked him out, I then flew off back into the forest. In the forest I came across an old friend of Bruce's, firefly. He was helping increase the blaze, I saw him as he flew past spewing fire from his gauntlets.


I flew up after him and tackled him into  a tree, I got one good punch off before he kicked me off and flew up into the air.

Firefly:Batboy! Eddie told me you would be here, I've a got a message to send to the real Batman and your burnt corpse is gonna make the perfect gift to get the idea across.

Batman:Not gonna happen, Lynns, I'm taking you down.

Firefly:Come and try!

He flew off and I took after him, I was forced to dodged to my left and right as he shot back fire at me. It didn't help that we were flying through a forest, when I caught up I tackled him down to the ground and ripped the jet pack from his back. I put a device on his suit that stopped it from spewing it's fire, I held lynns up and punched him once across the head. His visor cracked and I saw his eye through the broken glass.

Batman:Riddler, now!

Firefly:I'm not scared of you, Batboy.

Batman:You will be.

I spun him around and broke his arm, I ripped the gauntlets off of his arms and turned one on. I ripped his mask off and held the, fire shooting, gauntlet next to his face.

Batman:Talk or your skin will match the trees you burned down.

Firefly:You won't do it, the old batman never did.

I held the gauntlet closer, almost letting it touch him.

Batman:Do you want to test me and find out?

Firefly:No,no! I believe you.

Batman:I knew you'd come around. Now talk!

Firefly:I don't know where he his, he always told us to meet up at different places but I do know where the icicle is. Freeze is downtown somewhere, I didn't remember since I hate the cold.

Batman:You've been useful, now I can leave you to your flames.


I knocked him out and left him in the middle of the burning forest, I was going to continue to look for more villains but Steph called me.

Stephaine:They got away with the kid, I watched it happen from the drone. I was going to tell you sooner but you were dealing with Garfield.

Batman:Right, I'm coming back. We have to find that kid.

Stephaine:I couldn't agree more.

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