Cat And Bat

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I was walking around town in the middle of the day,in my normal clothing. While walking I made it to the forest of UA,where I waited to follow Catarina. I saw her leave the school and I started to follow her,I figured out where she lived and then I went home to wait for the night. The sun set and I changed into my suit,I then staked out Catarina's home. I saw her jump out her window in her costume and I chased after her. She stopped on a building and I landed behind her,she turned around and pulled down her scarf.



Her eyes went wide as she realized what I said,she took a step back.

Catwoman:You know?

Batman:I've done my research.

Catwoman:Then let's keep it fair,who are you?

Batman:No dice.

Catwoman:Why not,it's not like I don't know that Mr.Wayne was the first Batman.

Batman:You're the daughter of Selina Kyle,she adopted you at the age of six from an orphanage you were rarely seen at. You spent your time stealing from others.

Catwoman:Had to steal to eat.

Batman:I'm guessing she taught you everything she knew and gave you that suit.

Catwoman:Mom is such a kind woman,what about you? You another Robin or did you jump straight to bat status?

Batman:I need you to tell me something.

Catwoman:I don't know,this is sounding like all work and no play.

Batman:What did you have in mind?

She smiled as she grabbed her whip.

Catwoman:Easy,some cat and mouse.

She jumped off the building and I followed behind her,she used her whip like a grapple while I flew behind her. She eventually landed on a roof top and I went on foot to chase her,she slid under a pipe as I vaulted over it. She took a sharp turn and I lost sight of her,while looking around she pounced on me and took me to the ground. Her weight was pressing down on my,still,cracked ribs.

Catwoman:Caught you.

Batman:I thought I was playing cat.

Catwoman:Nope,now let's see whats under that cowl.

She touched the cowl and it shocked her,her hands recoiled from the shock as she looked at me.

Catwoman:That's not fair at all.

Batman:I play by my own rules.

Catwoman:Let me just take a peek.

Batman:I want info,you'll see my face when I get what I want.

Catwoman:I'm okay with this.

She got off me and I pulled myself up with a nearby wall,I looked at her as she sat down on a rooftop heater.

Catwoman:What do you need?

Batman:Riddler is here,what do you know?

Catwoman:Hmm,not alot but I do know he's gathered a bunch of big shots from Gotham. Together they're planning something huge,don't know what yet. Your turn.

I looked around and,once I was sure it was safe,I took my mask off. The wind hit my hair as my skin was exposed to the light of the midnight moon. Catwoman pulled her mask back and walked up to me,looking at my face.

Catarina:Ooooh,a good chaser and a cutie. I had a feeling you were good looking.

Y/n:I can't say your bad either. Can I put the cowl back on now?

Catarina:Not yet.

She kissed my cheek and took a step back,I couldn't contain my blush as she smiled at me.

Catarina:And you were so serious before,so,what's your name? You know mine.

Y/n:It's Y/n,are you sure there's nothing else you know?

Catarina:Wish I could help you out more but I'm fresh out of Intel.

I pulled out a batphone and held it out to her,she took and it began to look at it.

Catarina:This is?

Y/n:A way for you to talk to me,you find out anything and I want to be told. I'll be on my way.

I turned around and put my helmet back on,I felt arms wrap around me and a chin on my shoulder.

Catarina:See ya around,Cutie.

She let me go and I leapt off the roof,my cape spread and my boots activated. I shot into the sky as my radio came on.

Stephaine:You find something out about our little kitten?

Batman:Not the way I wanted to.

Stephaine:Whats that mean?

Batman:I had to show her what I look like,in return she told me something that isn't nice to know.


Batman:Riddler has an entire gang of villains from Gotham.

I landed on a high building as the moon shined directly ontop of me.

Stephaine:That's not good.

Batman:No,it's not. This is really going to test if I'm good enough to be Batman.

Stephaine:Do you think you can handle it?

Batman:I don't know.

I Am Batman(Male reader X BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now