The New Batman

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I was out on the town again,running around and doing my own thing. I eventually made my way up to a roof,where I looked over my city and wiped the blood from my nose.

Y/n:Damn,another fight,mom is going to be pissed.

As I looked out over the roofs I saw a man dressed as a bat crash into the alley next to me,I quickly slid down the ladder and landed next to him. I tested his heart beat and it seemed normal but he was bleeding from a bullet hole in his leg and arm.

Y/n:Shit,shit,shit,shit,what do I do?!

He then sat up,I helped him stand. minute.

He tapped something onto his arm brace and the batmobile rolled up next to us,the roof of the car slid back and it revealed the seat.

Y/n:No way.


I walked him over to the car and I got in with him to help him into the car,the roof slid shut and the car began to take off.


The car boosted into over drive and I was thrown against the back of my seat,Batman then called someone on his radio.


I went to take it off,but I hesitated at the thought of touching it.

Y/n:Are...are you sure?

Batman:It's hard to...breath.

I took it off and I got to see the man behind the mask,Bruce Wayne.

Y/n:Woah,Bruce Wayne is the Batman? That's....super obvious!

The radio began to ring and it picked up soon.

Alfred:Well,hello,si- oh,you have a guest.

Bruce:Yeah,he....helped me.

Alfred:You seem worse then most nights.

Bruce:Bane and....Joker,most of my bones are shattered and I got shot and stabbed,this night was worse then most.

Alfred:I see,I'll have the med bay ready...and some refreshments for our guest.

Bruce:We' there....soon.

Y/n(thoughts):WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!!?

The call ended and The Batman looked at me.

Y/n:Yeah,yeah,it's okay.

Only a few minutes later we drove through a waterfall and into a cave,where the man from the call was waiting. The car roof slid back and I helped Batman get out of the car,with the help of the older man.

Alfred:Help me carry him,will you?

Y/n:Yeah....sure thing.

I and the old man carried him to a bed and sat him down,where the old man began to heal him.

Y/n:So,I should get going or something right?

Alfred:No,could you please stay? I'm sure master Bruce will have some words with you when he's up,it shouldn't be long.

Y/n:Then I should just...look around.

Alfred:If you would but do be sure not to touch anything,not sure how master Bruce would respond.

Y/n:Hands to myself,like visiting a museum.

I walked away and began to look around the cave,there were trophies as far as I could see and some were bigger then others.

Y/n:Who needs a penny that damn big?

I eventually came across the batsuits,things I've only ever imagined being so close too. I looked at each one,from his first costume to one's I've never seen before.

Y/n:Even the nightwing and robin suits are here,so damn cool.

I then came up to a suit that was the last in line,one I've never seen in my life.

I then came up to a suit that was the last in line,one I've never seen in my life

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Y/n:Woah,this is top tier stuff. I mean when your the richest man alive then I guess you can afford the fancy toys.

Bruce:I call it the Batman Beyond suit.

I turned around to see Batman on crutches and bandages,he looked terrible as he walked towards me.

Bruce:I know you,you're y/n l/n,you have quite the list of offences. If I remember correctly,you've been caught in several illegal fighting rings,you've almost beat a child molester to death,you stabbed a man who tried to kidnap your little sister and even though he lived you still were almost fined with attempted murder,and your most recent charge you broke the arm of a boy that was bullying your little sister. Only reason he didn't press charges was because of how scared he was,you tramatized him.

Y/n:Um,yeah,I know and I said sorry.

Bruce:You also seemed to have no father and,despite having two older brothers,you are the only man in your house hold.

Y/n:Yeah,that's true too,my old man skipped out on me and my brothers didn't stick around either.

Bruce:It's not hard to see why you did the things you've done but you never started any of your offences for no reason. They're all brought on by something else,you're not a bad fighter either. Now that I think about it,I stopped one of your fighting rings once.

Y/n:You almost shattered my arm.

Bruce:Right,time to get to why I kept you here. You see,my body is dying,I've taken so much damage over the years to where if I keep going I'll die,now I would normally be fine with that but there's something telling me that I can't die,not yet. And,to be honest, I've had my eye on you for awhile,you're quirkless but you have a fighting spirit. Will you be the next Batman?

Y/ You're joking.

Bruce:First thing you need to know,I don't joke.

Y/n:Got it,so,if I'm hearing this right,you...want be batman?

Bruce:That is what I said,First things first,you need to train,like I said before,you're a good fighter but you're not ready to be a crime fighter. Get your ass in gear and be ready by tomorrow,I'll even be paying you. In the public eye,you're my errand boy.

Y/n:I'll do it! I'll be Batman!

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