Let's Get Started

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I still had school and I told my mom the story Batman gave me,I saved him from being mugged and he gave me a Job as a thanks. She was so proud,that I used all my fighting experience to help instead of hurt somebody,and people began to flock to me at school,instead of picking on the quirkless kid everyone wanted to be friends with the guy that worked for a billionaire,I could only wonder why. I told them to piss off and I continued on my path to my new "job". I knocked on the door,my school bag slung over my back,and the door opened and I walked in. After going inside I saw that there was a girl my age stretching infront of a window.

 After going inside I saw that there was a girl my age stretching infront of a window

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Stephanie:Yo,you're the new guy,right?

Y/n:Yeah,I'm the next....wait..do you

Stephanie:Know that Bruce is Batman? Yeah,I know.

Y/n:How many people do?

Stephanie:More then you would think.

Y/n:Got it.

Stephanie:All right come with me.

She stood up and took me to a grandfather clock,she opened it and we went down a staircase. We walked into the cave and she threw my bag away from me,she then threw a punch. I dodged it and put her in an arm lock,I kicked her down to her knees and put her arm straight in the air.

Y/n:What the hell?!

Stephanie:Just making sure you're the real deal,calm down!

I let go of her and she stood up,while brushing herself off,she walked away and I followed. We eventually came up to a group of people,there were alot.

Y/n:That's...alot of bats.

A man in blue and black walked up to me and held out his hand,I took it and he gave me a hand shake.

Dick:Names Richard Grayson,most people just call me Dick.

Y/n:Got it.

Then a boy came up to me,he wore red and green.

Damian:I should have been Batman.

Y/n:Fuck you too.

He scoffed at me and walked back to the group,then another boy came up in red and black.

Tim:I'm Tim drake,nice to work with you...Batman.

Y/n:My pleasure.

The woman in a wheelchair came up to me,sticking her hand out.

Barbara:I'm Barbara Gordan,nice to meet you.

Y/n:I can say the same.

Then was the girl that took me here,she didn't hold out her hand but she gave me a quick hug.

Stephanie:I'm Stephanie Brown,we've met.

Y/n:Sorry about the arm lock.

She gave me a smile and walked off,Bruce then came up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder while looking to the others.

I Am Batman(Male reader X BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now